• in early puberty 含苞待放

    22-10-25 含苞待放,汉语成语,形容花朵将要开放时的形态。也比喻将成年的少女。可以翻译为in bud,ready to burst,in early puberty。 例句: 玫瑰花正含苞待放。 The roses are in bud....

  • nip something in the bud 扼杀在摇篮里

    22-01-22 汉语中常说把扼杀在摇篮里,意思是在某种事情发生或者某种势力发展起来之前,就将其消灭掉,在萌芽状态将其遏止(suppress or destroy something at an early stage)。与英文俚语nip something in the bud同义,表示stop, cease, or prevent something at the beginni...

  • nip it in the bud 防患于未然

    21-12-28 短语to nip it in the bud 意思是防患于未然或消灭于萌芽状态。 例句 If he doesnt nip it in the bud, then the problem could soon get much worse. She thought it was a very dangerous idea and should be nipped in the bud immediately. 请注意 另一个短语to ni...

  • to nip it in the bud 防患于未然

    21-08-17 短语to nip it in the bud 意思是防患于未然或消灭于萌芽状态。 例句 If he doesnt nip it in the bud, then the problem could soon get much worse. She thought it was a very dangerous idea and should be nipped in the bud immediately. 请注意 另一个短语to ni...

  • 跟植物有关的英语表达

    20-10-14 1 nip in the bud 扼杀在萌芽状态 to nip something in the bud(把某事扼杀在萌芽状态)指在某事酿成大祸或铸成大错前及早地制止。 The manager told the team to identify problems early and nip them in the bud. 经理告诫团队人员要尽早发现问题并及时处理。 2 tu...
