• 微软宣布2022年终止对IE浏览器的支持

    21-05-22 IE浏览器从当年的独霸市场,到跌下神坛,再到如今几乎没人再用,26岁高龄的它寿终正寝只是时间问题。近日,微软终于宣布,将于2022年6月15日终止对IE浏览器的支持。 The end is finally near for Internet Explorer, one of Microsofts most-reviled products that ref...

  • 关于网络安全最常见的一些误解

    17-04-10 Myth 1. Emails are always secure Fewer than half -- 46% -- of people said they know email is not always encrypted. Encryption ensures only the sender and recipient are able to access the emails. Although many email providers, such as Google and Yaho...

  • 可以屏蔽明星八卦的浏览器

    15-05-17 There are some people in this world who just can't get enough of Kimye's outfits and Kylie's lips. 这世上总有些人看不够金卡戴珊的着装和凯莉的嘴唇。 But if you're tired of keeping up with the Kardashians, an ad blocker has been created that could rid...

  • 微软IE9即将上线

    11-02-11 Microsoft has said the latest version of its internet explorer web browser puts it ahead of competitors like Google and Firefox. 微软称最新版的IE浏览器已超过诸如Google、Firefox等竞争者。 Privacy and speed set IE9 apart, Microsoft said The software g...

  • 谷歌将逐渐停止对IE6的兼容支持

    10-02-01 Google has begun to phase out support for Internet Explorer 6, the browser identified as the weak link in a cyber attack on the search engine. 谷歌已经开始逐渐停止对IE6的兼容支持,IE6被认为是互联网攻击中最薄弱的一环。 Microsoft has already released...
