• 女性适度引用红酒可降低患乳腺癌危险

    12-01-09 Drinking red wine in moderation may reduce one of the risk factors for breast cancer, providing a natural weapon to combat a major cause of death among U.S. women, new research from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center shows. The study, published online in t...

  • 乳腺癌活体检查有助改进治疗

    11-11-29 A second, larger clinical research study led by breast cancer specialists at Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) has again proven that comparing a new biopsy(活组织检查) of progressing or recurring cancer with that of the original cancer can dictate...

  • 核磁共振成像能降低乳腺癌诊断成本

    11-09-21 Using breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screenings among targeted, high-risk, underserved women significantly decreased diagnostic cost and increased patient compliance rates with follow-up compared to using general risk mammography(乳房X线照...

  • 心理压力会导致乳腺癌细胞转移

    11-09-20 Psychosocial stress could play a role in the etiology(病因学) of breast cancer aggressiveness, particularly among minority populations, according to study results presented at the Fourth AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities,...

  • 饮食中含有胡桃 乳腺癌患病几率下降

    11-09-02 The risk of breast cancer dropped significantly in mice when their regular diet included a modest amount of walnut(胡桃) , Marshall University researchers report in the journal Nutrition and Cancer. The study, led by Elaine Hardman, Ph.D., of Mars...

  • 非裔美籍女人乳腺癌发病率高的原因

    11-08-17 Investigators from the Boston University's Slone Epidemiology Center have reported findings that may shed light on why African American women have a disproportionately higher risk of developing more aggressive and difficult-to-treat breast cancers,...

  • 乳腺癌筛检与死亡率下降无关

    11-07-29 Breast cancer screening has not played a direct part in the reductions of breast cancer mortality in recent years, says a new study published on bmj.com today. An international team of researchers from France, the UK and Norway found that better tre...

  • 癌抑制蛋白不会削弱赫塞汀的疗效

    11-06-05 ASCO Abstract #10504. Contrary to what many oncologists(肿瘤学家) had thought, a tumor suppressor protein known as PTEN does not reduce the effectiveness of the breast cancer drug Herceptin, according to a study by Mayo Clinic and North Central Ca...

  • 隔断癌细胞与外界的“交流”

    11-06-03 While it is already known that breast cancer cells create the conditions for their own survival by communicating their needs to the healthy cells that surround them, Australian researchers have identified a new way of turning off that cellular cross...

  • 大豆异黄酮对乳腺癌患者无害

    11-04-06 Soy food consumption did not increase the risk of cancer recurrence(再发生,循环) or death among survivors of breast cancer, according to the results of a study presented at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011, held April 2-6. Researchers investiga...