• 大脑间可无需语言直接交流

    14-11-10 Sometimes, words just complicate things. What if our brains could communicate directly with each other, bypassing the need for language? University of Washington researchers have successfully replicated a direct brain-to-brain connection between pai...

  • 好奇心如何加强大脑的学习能力

    14-10-04 The more curious we are about a topic, the easier it is to learn information about that topic. New research publishing online October 2 in the Cell Press journal Neuron provides insights into what happens in our brains when curiosity is piqued. The...

  • 睡眠中可以进行分类记忆

    14-09-15 When people practice simple word classification tasks before nodding off -- knowing that a cat is an animal or that flipu isn't found in the dictionary, for example -- their brains will unconsciously continue to make those classifications even in sl...

  • 婴儿八个月大即可辨别语言

    14-07-15 Infants can tell the difference between sounds of all languages until about 8 months of age when their brains start to focus only on the sounds they hear around them. It's been unclear how this transition occurs, but social interactions and caregive...

  • 儿童期的压力对大脑有长久影响

    14-06-30 For children, stress can go a long way. A little bit provides a platform for learning, adapting and coping. But a lot of it -- chronic, toxic stress like poverty, neglect and physical abuse -- can have lasting negative impacts. A team of University...

  • 人脑能够分辨真假笑声

    14-03-30 伦敦研究人员近日发现,我们在听到发自内心的笑声和虚情假意的笑声时,大脑会呈现出完全不同的反应。 Next time your boss tells a bad joke and you feel compelled to laugh, beware - they can tell you're faking it. Researchers from London have discovered our...

  • 美国医生认为谷物有损大脑健康

    13-12-06 如果你早餐刚吃了谷类食物或者中饭只嚼了一块三明治,你也许不想读这篇文章,因为根据文中的医生所言,谷物有损你的大脑健康。 It's tempting to call David Perlmutter's dietary advice radical. The neurologist and president of the Perlmutter Health Center in...

  • 霍金:大脑可以被复制到电脑上

    13-09-29 本周四,斯蒂芬霍金在有关其生平的纪录片电影首映式上表示,大脑就像是计算机里的一个程序,因此从理论上来说,大脑可以被复制到电脑上,人死后,大脑可以在电脑里以另一种形态存活。不过,他同时也指出,这一设想远远超出了目前的技术水平,他还认为传统意义上的死后...

  • 蜻蜓的视觉系统可用于机器人领域

    13-08-16 Researchers at the University of Adelaide have discovered a novel and complex visual circuit in a dragonfly's brain that could one day help to improve vision systems for robots. Dr Steven Wiederman and Associate Professor David O'Carroll from the Un...

  • 神经学家能够向鼠脑植入虚假记忆

    13-07-26 The phenomenon of false memory has been well-documented: In many court cases, defendants have been found guilty based on testimony from witnesses and victims who were sure of their recollections, but DNA evidence later overturned the conviction. In...