• 错误的记忆如何产生

    11-07-01 How easy is it to falsify(伪造,篡改) memory? New research at the Weizmann Institute shows that a bit of social pressure may be all that is needed. The study, which appears Friday in Science, reveals a unique pattern of brain activity when false m...

  • 从大脑活动预测将要进行的活动

    11-06-30 Bringing the real world into the brain scanner, researchers at The University of Western Ontario from The Centre for Brain and Mind (http://www.uwo.ca/its/brain/) can now determine the action a person was planning, mere(仅仅的) moments before that...

  • 艾滋病毒扰乱血脑屏障

    11-06-29 HIV weakens the blood-brain barrier a network of blood vessels that keeps potentially harmful chemicals and toxins out of the brain by overtaking a small group of supporting brain cells, according to a new study in the June 29 issue of The Journal o...

  • 计算大脑信号的传输速度

    11-06-23 Two studies featuring research from Weill Cornell Medical College have uncovered surprising details about the complex process that leads to the flow of neurotransmitters(神经传导物质) between brain neurons -- a dance of chemical messages so delica...

  • 都市生活压力大

    11-06-23 Being born and raised in a major urban area is associated with greater lifetime risk for anxiety and mood disorders. Until now, the biology for these associations had not been described. A new international study, which involved Douglas Mental Healt...

  • 削尖工艺使古人类大脑得以锻炼

    11-06-22 Advanced crafting(手工艺) of stone spearheads(矛头,先锋) contributed to the development of new ways of human thinking and behaving. This is what new findings by archaeologists at Lund University have shown. The technology took a long time to ac...

  • 精神疾病相关研究“资金短缺”

    11-06-15 Scientists say research into mental illnesses such as depression is facing a funding crisis. 科学家称对诸如抑郁症之类的精神病的研究面临资金短缺的状况。 Scientists fear the cost of getting drugs to the market place is holding back brain research They...

  • 给大脑降温能有效缓解失眠

    11-06-14 People with primary insomnia(失眠) may be able to find relief by wearing a cap that cools the brain during sleep, suggests a research abstract that will be presented Monday, June 13, in Minneapolis, Minn., at SLEEP 2011, the 25th Anniversary Meeti...

  • 大脑对悲伤的反应可预测抑郁症的康复情况

    11-05-29 A University of Toronto study shows that when formerly depressed people experience mild states of sadness, their brain's response can predict if they will become depressed again. Part of what makes depression such a devastating disease is the high r...

  • 清除脑组织内血栓有新方法

    11-05-29 A new treatment that treats a subset of stroke patients by combining minimally invasive surgery, an imaging technique likened to GPS for the brain, and the clot-busting drug t-PA appears to be safe and effective, according to a multicenter clinical...