• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 17

    22-07-13 Philip passed the next two years with comfortable monotony. He was not bullied more than other boys of his size; and his deformity, withdrawing him from games, acquired for him an insignificance for which he was grateful. He was not popular, and he...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 14

    22-07-13 Then a wave of religiosity passed through the school. Bad language was no longer heard, and the little nastinesses of small boys were looked upon with hostility; the bigger boys, like the lords temporal of the Middle Ages, used the strength of their...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 13

    22-07-13 Two years passed, and Philip was nearly twelve. He was in the first form, within two or three places of the top, and after Christmas when several boys would be leaving for the senior school he would be head boy. He had already quite a collection of...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 11

    22-07-13 Next morning when the clanging of a bell awoke Philip he looked round his cubicle in astonishment. Then a voice sang out, and he remembered where he was. Are you awake, Singer? The partitions of the cubicle were of polished pitch-pine, and there was...

  • 跟baby相关的习语和表达 下

    22-04-25 11.jobs for the boys 当人们把工作、合同等交给朋友或熟人时,这些工作就是jobs for the boys,即走后门的工作。这里的boys指英国公立学校的毕业生。这些学生毕业后会组成一个名为老同学关系网(old-boy network)的组织,让一些来自上层社会的权贵子弟能共同分享某些利...

  • 多动症诊断中的性别差异

    21-12-20 顶尖心理学家警告说,性别偏见使许多患有注意缺陷多动障碍(又称多动症)的女性无法被确诊。 Research suggests ADHD is three to four times more likely to be detected in childhood in boys as they tend to exhibit more disruptive behaviours. 研究表明,多动症...

  • to egg someone on 怂恿、鼓动

    21-12-14 成语 to egg someone on 其实跟鸡蛋一点关系都没有,它的意思是怂恿、鼓动某人去做他们并不特别想做的事情,而结果很可能令当事人当众出丑或犯错误。 例句 Why on earth did you try that jump on your bike? These boys were egging me on and I didnt want to seem t...

  • date 约会

    21-07-16 夏天,你最期待的是什么? 是橘子味儿的汽水?亮晶晶的海滩?各种口味的冰棍?还是怦然心动的约会(date)? date作为动词表示(谈恋爱)和...约会,通常的表达是date somebody;作为名词表示约会或约会的对象,恋人,可以说:have a date (with sb),go (out) on a date...

  • a square meal 一顿饱饭

    21-07-12 英语表达 a square meal 其实和正方形 square完全没有关系。在这里,square 我们可以理解为实在的,真实的。这个表达的实际含义是一顿饱饭,指吃的东西非常丰盛,能够填饱肚子。人们经常会用three square meals这个搭配来表示一天三顿饱饭。 例句 During this weeks su...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 36

    21-03-18 I hope I shall soon have the pleasure of introducing my son to you, said Mr. Weston. Mrs. Elton, very willing to suppose a particular compliment intended her by such a hope, smiled most graciously. You have heard of a certain Frank Churchill, I pres...