• 《超能陆战队》第1章

    23-01-28 Not quite a big city, and not quite a small town, San Fransokyo had always been a mysterious mix of old and new. On foggy nights, the bright skyscraper lights and the neon of the modern city softened, giving the old Victorian pagodas and forgotten a...

  • 《沉睡魔咒》第3章

    23-01-28 Maleficent leaned against the Rowan Tree, watching the end of another day. It had been a month since shed seen Stefan, the longest time yet. The other Fair Folk had noticed her growing more solemn and quiet, but she was too ashamed to admit she was...

  • 《怪兽大学》第14章

    23-01-19 The next morning, Mike rolled over in his bunk and onto a pillow of blue fur. Still snoring, Mike cuddled up to it and murmured, I know youre a princess and Im just a stable boy ... Then he opened his eye and saw he was embracing Sulleys hand, which...

  • 《灰姑娘》第10章

    22-12-21 Meanwhile, unaware that anyone was looking for them, Kit and Ella walked down the long castle gallery. The walls were lined with portraits of previous rulers and their families, their faces looking down upon the pair. Ellas mind was reeling. As they...

  • 《赛车总动员》第6章

    22-11-16 When Lightning opened his eyes the next morning, he could hardly make out the blurry shape in front of him. Oh, boy , Lightning said groggily. Where am I? What? Lightning squinted. It took him a moment to figure out what he was looking at: a rusty o...

  • 《恐龙当家》第10章

    22-11-09 Arlo and the boy were walking along the river when they heard a strange voice call to them from behind the trees. Hello. Arlo looked around, timidly. Hello? Weve been watching you, the voice said. Arlo walked toward the voice and saw a collection of...

  • 约会交往

    22-10-24 和心仪的人约会交往增进感情从而有情人终成眷属。英语中和约会相关的表达、俗语甚是丰富。这个测验检查你对时下流行的约会用语的掌握。 1. A: What is your favourite _________? B: Hmm, How about heaven must be missing an angel because you are down here! A: Ug...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 25

    22-09-14 When I got outside, it was just getting light out. It was pretty cold, too, but it felt good because I was sweating so much. I didnt know where the hell to go. I didnt want to go to another hotel and spend all Phoebes dough. So finally all I did was...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第19章

    22-09-08 As the sun rose over their little campsite, Flynn Rider was fast asleep. He didnt notice that Maximus had finally found him. Again. Maximus glared down at the sleeping man, wondering what he should do to him first. The horse had galloped, swum, and...