• think outside the box 打破常规地思考

    22-03-30 表达 think outside the box(在盒子外面思考) 或 think out of the box 的意思是 摆脱思维定势,采用与平时不同的方法来完成或解决问题。这可能涉及打破常规,发挥想象力和创造力去思考,类似于汉语里的 独辟蹊径。 例句 Our boss wants us to think outside the box...

  • 飞机黑匣子

    22-03-28 飞机黑匣子是电子飞行记录仪(flight recorder)的俗称,是判断飞行事故原因最重要及最直接的证据。 按照国际惯例它一般被装置在橘红色盒子内,在外观上涂有飞行记录器,请勿开启(Flight recorder do not open)的字样。 黑匣子只是一个代名词,实际上飞行记录仪是被...

  • cut in 插嘴、超车、插入

    21-12-15 cut in是一个很实用的短语,意思是插嘴、超车、插入。 例句: Forget it! She cut in. 算了吧!她插嘴道。 The cabs cut in front of them, trying to box them in. 出租车超车跑在他们前面,试图堵住他们。...

  • 《玩具总动员》第9章

    21-06-23 In Sids bedroom, Woody struggled to free himself from his milk-crate prison, but it wouldnt budge. Across the desktop, the once-proud Buzz Lightyear was still shamefully taped to the cheap rocket. Psst! Hey, Buzz! whispered Woody. No response. Woody...

  • 中通回应成都宠物盲盒事件

    21-05-08 5月3日,有网友爆料成都市区一快递点出现大批量宠物盲盒,许多小猫小狗在路边奄奄一息,该事件引发网络热议。 The pet mystery box has been trending on multiple e-commerce platforms, including Taobao and Pinduoduo.It allows users to buy pets of unknown bree...

  • 国内几家博物馆推出“考古盲盒”

    21-03-26 上周末,6座三星堆祭祀坑重见天日,500多件文物破土重生,时隔35年,三星堆上新再次惊艳世界。 Among the important cultural finds are gold and bronze masks, bronze ware, more than 100 ivory tusks, textiles and jade among other artifacts. 出土的重要文物包...

  • box office 票房

    21-02-22 2021年春节档以超78亿元的票房成绩收官,创下影史同期最高纪录。贾玲也凭借电影《你好,李焕英》,成为了中国影史上票房最高的女导演。 那和票房有关的英文该怎么说呢? Box office指的是卖票的地方,不管是卖球票还是卖电影票的地方,都可以称作box office。 例如跟朋...

  • 《唐人街探案3》预售票房破亿

    20-01-21 Detective Chinatown 3, which is due out in cinemas on Jan 25, has set the latest record for the fastest box office pre-sale for a Chinese film. 将于1月25日上映的《唐人街探案3》创造中国电影史上预售票房最快破亿纪录。 The film has earned over 100-milli...

  • 《使徒行者2:谍影行动》上映

    19-08-08 Action crime drama Line Walker 2: Invisible Spy has opened in Chinese theaters. 动作犯罪电影《使徒行者2:谍影行动》登录中国各大影院。 It tells of the police drawn into a conspiracy that involves a possible triad mole within the force. Starring Nick...

  • 复联4票房全球最高

    19-07-22 The global box office has a new king in Avengers: Endgame. 全球票房新冠军产生:《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》。 The superhero extravaganza this weekend usurped ``Avatar to become the highest grossing film of all time, with an estimated $2.8 billion world...