• 《孤岛疑云》北美票房形势大好

    10-02-23 Shutter Island, Martin Scorsese's new film with Leonardo DiCaprio, has topped the US and Canada box office chart with first weekend takings of $40.2m (26m). 由莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥主演、马丁斯科塞斯执导的新影片《孤岛疑云》,公映第一周就以4020万美元的票...

  • 杰克逊纪录片登入美国票房首位

    09-11-03 Michael Jackson film This Is It has topped the North American box office in its first weekend of release. Michael Jackson纪录片This Is It首映一周即达到北美票房排行榜首位。 The film opened simultaneously around the world The film, which was released...

  • Meatballs reign at US box office 《美食从天而降》统领北美票

    09-09-22 Animated 3D comedy Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs has topped the North American box office in its opening weekend, taking $30.1m (18.6m). 3D动画喜剧《美食从天而降》上映第一周以3.01千万的票房收入打入北美票房排行榜榜首。 Cloudy With A Chance Of Mea...

  • Guinea pigs break Potter's spell 豚鼠特工队打破哈利波特票房

    09-07-28 A trio of animated secret agent guinea pigs has broken the spell of Harry Potter at the top of the US box office, according to early estimates. 早期估计显示,三只特工豚鼠动画美国票房打破了哈利波特的记录,位居榜首。 G-Force features the voices of Sam...
