• in the same boat 同舟共济

    21-12-28 当大家都坐在同一条船上的时候 in the same boat, 这就意味着所有人都处于同样的不乐观的境况。 例句 Youth unemployment is so high in Europe at the moment but everyones in the same boat no-one can find a job. The whole class came down with chicken pox on...

  • push the boat out 讲排场

    21-08-25 如果你 push the boat out 那就表示你讲排场,摆阔气,大肆庆祝。 例句 Robs wedding was amazing; they really pushed the boat out and made it a day to remember. As its our anniversary, lets push the boat out and buy a bottle of champagne! 请注意 如果一个...

  • fresh off the boat 初来乍到

    21-08-19 Newly arrived in another country but has yet to learn the customs and language. 例句: Hes fresh off the boat, and he just arrived yesterday. 他初来乍到,昨天才到的。 Shes been here for over a year, but she behaves as if shes fresh off the boat. 她...

  • in the same boat 处境相同

    21-08-19 当大家都坐在同一条船上的时候 in the same boat, 这就意味着所有人处境相同。 例句 Youth unemployment is so high in Europe at the moment but everyones in the same boat no-one can find a job. The whole class came down with chicken pox on a school trip. I...

  • whatever floats your boat 想做什么就做什么,随意

    21-08-12 我们可以用短语 whatever floats your boat 来形容想做什么就做什么,随意。 例句 Its your birthday. We can go to the theatre or have a meal in a posh restaurant. Whatever floats your boat. Peter is a ladies man but if you still want to go out with him,...

  • when push comes to shove 危急关头 迫不得以采取行动

    21-08-04 When push comes to shove 或 if push comes to shove 这两个短语的意思是紧急关头、被迫不得以时采取行动。 例句 Hes quite unreliable, but when push comes to shove I know hell be there to help. Money is tight, but if push comes to shove well have to get a...

  • 如梦令

    21-06-16 如梦令 Like A Dream 李清照 常记溪亭日暮,沉醉不知归路。 兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处。 争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭。 I often remember that sunset at Creek Pavilion: Too drunk to know our way back home. Turning the boat sound after a joyous day, We blundere...

  • 端午节话端午

    21-06-15 A: Have you heard about the Dragon Boat Races to be held this afternoon? A:你知道今天下午有龙舟比赛吗? B: Yes, it is part of a holiday, right? B:知道啊,是为了庆祝什么节日对吧? A: Yup, Duan Wu Festival, but its also just simply called the Dragon B...

  • 疯狂花钱

    21-05-30 1. Im going to splurge. 我要挥霍一下。 动词splurge的意思是挥霍,尤其指购买奢侈品。 2. Im going to splash out. 我要来一回挥金如土。 搭配splash out可以形容花很多钱购物,尤其指购买不需要的物品。 3. Im going to push the boat out. 我得挥霍一下(犒劳自己...

  • what is done is done 木已成舟

    21-03-21 木已成舟,汉语成语,意思是指树木已经做成小舟(the wood is already made into a boat),比喻事情已成为不可改变的定局。可以翻译为what is done cannot be undone,what is done is done或water over the dam。 例句: 好吧,木已成舟不是吗?我们能不能就别再提了...