• evolve 思想进化

    22-09-28 上周,美国众议院前议长约翰博纳(John Boehner)带来一个引起人们注意的委婉语,使其重新进入美国政治的关注中。 他在推文中写道: Im joining the board of #AcreageHoldings because my thinking on cannabis has evolved. Im convinced de-scheduling the drug is...

  • “会议”和“委员会”

    22-04-13 Congress Congress 一词常表示专门性代表大会,比较正式而隆重,出席会议的代表一般是选举产生的,会上通过的决议往往具有约束力,中国共产党全国代表大会就是 National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party of China, 美国的国会也称Congress。 Congress多指协商...

  • back to the drawing board 从头再来

    22-03-30 表达 back to the drawing board 的意思是 正在进行中的项目或采用的计划失败了,要重新开始、从头再来,才能让事情成功。 例句 Im sorry, but this idea just wont work. We need to go back to the drawing board. 不好意思,这个主意行不通。我们得重新开始。 After...

  • sweep the board 囊括全数奖项

    21-07-15 想象一个人把桌子上所有的钱都纳入囊中的情景。表达 sweep the board 的原意是赢得所有的赌注,后来这个说法用来表示选手、队伍或作品在比赛中获得所有的奖项,即大获全胜。人们常在谈论体育项目的语境中使用这一说法。 例句 The blockbuster swept the board with 10...

  • baby on board 车内有宝宝

    21-04-14 在国内,我们经常看到汽车后挡风玻璃,或后备箱盖上贴着baby in car的标识。 有些车主并无宝宝,但也喜欢贴一张类似这样的标志,一方面确实会让尾车多留心注意,一方面确实也挺萌的。 baby in car,顾名思义,车内有宝宝,稍微有点英语基础的人都看得懂。 但是这却有些...

  • 中国科创板开始上市交易

    19-07-22 Chinas sci-tech innovation board (STAR market) started trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Monday morning, with the first batch of 25 companies debuting on the board. 中国科创板周一上午在上海股票交易中心开始交易,首批挂牌交易的企业有25家。 Establ...

  • 李克强会见博鳌论坛理事会成员

    19-03-28 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met Wednesday with Ban Ki-moon, chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), as well as some members of the BFA board of directors in Boao, Hainan Province. 中国国务院总理李克强周三在海南与博鳌亚洲论坛理事长潘基文以及其他理...

  • 上海证券交易所公开谴责赵薇夫妇

    18-11-21 The Shanghai Stock Exchange publicly censured and disciplined Chinese actress Zhao Wei and her husband Huang Youlong. 上海证券交易所公开谴责惩戒赵薇以及她的丈夫黄有龙。 Due to stock listing rule violations during Longwei Culture and Medias attempt t...

  • 41家中小企业挂牌新三板

    17-04-24 A total of 41 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were added to Chinas New Third Board over the past week, latest data showed. 最新数据显示,过去的一周共有41家中小企业被加入新三板名单。 The newcomers brought the total number of companies list...

  • 游泳池常用词

    16-02-14 lifeguard 救生员 umbrella 伞 lounge chair 躺椅 bikini 比基尼 diving board 跳板 swimming pool 泳池 net 网 lockers 储物柜 locker room 更衣室 earplugs 耳塞 towel 毛巾 life ring 救生圈 swimming suit 泳衣 swimming cap 泳帽 goggles 泳镜 sunscreen 防晒霜 b...