• 降低生物燃料的成本

    12-12-03 One reason that biofuels are expensive to make is that the organisms used to ferment(发酵) the biomass cannot make effective use of hemicellulose(半纤维素) , the next most abundant cell wall component after cellulose. They convert only the gluco...

  • 常用混合词

    12-09-24 Smog 烟雾 Travelogue 旅行见闻演讲 Motel 汽车旅馆 Oxbridge 牛津和剑桥 Snazzy 时髦的 Chocoholic 嗜食巧克力者 Vegeburger 素食汉堡 Bromance 兄弟情谊 Eurocrat 欧共体官员 Framily 家人般的朋友 Carjack 抢劫汽车 Biofeul 生物燃料 Camcorder 便携式摄像机 Scrumm...

  • 高粱可作为生物能源材料

    12-09-18 Sweet sorghum(甜高粱) is primarily grown in the United States as a source of sugar for syrup(糖浆) and molasses. But the sturdy(坚定的,强健的) grass has other attributes that could make it uniquely suited to production as a bioenergy crop, U....

  • 海藻可作为生物能源的原料

    12-03-06 As scientists continue the hunt for energy sources that are safer, cleaner alternatives to fossil fuel, an ever-increasing amount of valuable farmland is being used to produce bioethanol(生物乙醇) , a source of transportation fuel. And while land-...

  • 英国首架“地沟油”航班试飞成功

    11-10-16 Britain's first commercial flight, powered by sustainable biofuel, has taken off from Birmingham Airport. 英国首架使用环保生物燃料的商业航班近日从伯明翰机场始发,试飞成功。 The Thomson Airways Boeing 757 used a 50/50 mix of used cooking oil and trad...

  • 荷兰航空将使用地沟油作飞机燃料

    11-06-25 Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power flights to and from France in a move aimed at cutting carbon emissions. 荷兰航空公司计划使用回收利用的地沟油作为生物燃料,为荷兰至法国的往返航班提供动力,以减少碳排放。 Starting...

  • 代谢工程学可使海藻作为生物柴油的原料

    10-12-16 Is red seaweed(海藻) a viable future biofuel? Now that a University of Illinois metabolic(新陈代谢的) engineer has developed a strain of yeast(酵母) that can make short work of fermenting(发酵) galactose(半乳糖) , the answer is an unequivo...

  • 种植高粱以生产生物柴油

    10-11-11 Conversion of sorghum(高粱) grass to ethanol(乙醇,酒精) has increased with the interest in renewable fuel sources. Researchers at Iowa State University examined 12 varieties of sorghum grass grown in single and double cropping systems. The expe...

  • 生物柴油燃烧过程远比石油燃料复杂

    10-05-13 Understanding the key elements of biofuel combustion(燃烧,氧化) is an important step toward insightful(有深刻见解的) selection of next-generation alternative fuels. And that's exactly what Lawrence Livermore and Sandia national laboratories res...

  • Planes 'should fly on biofuels' 飞机“应该使用生物燃料”

    09-07-22 Biofuel research should focus on planes and not cars, the think tank Policy Exchange has said. 智囊团Policy Exchange表示,生物燃料的研究应该主要针对飞机而非汽车。 Virgin Atlantic are among airlines to trial flight powered by biofuel A crop area the...