• 宜家新推创意自行车 驱动带取代车链

    16-04-24 Dealing with a rusty bicycle chain can be a messy affair, but an innovative new bike from Ikea solves that pesky problem. 自行车链生锈是件麻烦事儿,但家具零售巨头宜家最新推出的创意自行车,完美地解决了这个问题。 The furniture retail giant recently in...

  • A Nerd, a Nude, and a Bike

    15-10-21 A nerd was walking on campus one day when his friend, another nerd, rode up on an incredible shiny new bicycle. The first nerd was stunned and asked, Where did you get such a nice bike? The second nerd replied, Well, yesterday I was walking home min...

  • 美国发明家研制电动人力躺车 时速160

    15-03-10 Now Minneapolis-based inventor Rich Kronfield has created an electric-assist 'Raht Racer' velomobile that he claims can travel at up to 100mph (160km/h). 现在美国明尼阿波利斯的发明家里奇科伦菲尔德研制了电动拉特赛车人力躺车,声称其速度每小时能高达100...

  • 荷兰推出首款智能自行车

    14-12-19 The Netherlands on Monday launched its first-ever intelligent bicycle, fitted with an array of electronic devices to help bring down the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in the bicycle-mad country. 荷兰在周一推出了其国内首款智能自行车。这种...

  • 美国自行车通勤人数增加60%

    14-05-16 The number of US commuters who ride a bicycle to work rose by 60% over the last decade, the Census has reported. 人口普查报告显示,美国骑车上班人数在过去十年间增加了60%。 An estimated 786,000 people biked to work in 2008-12, up from 488,000 people i...

  • banana kick 弧线球

    12-12-13 Banana kick is a type of kick that gives the ball a curved trajectory, used to get the ball around an obstacle such as a goaltender or defender. Banana kick指以弧线运行的球,多是为了让球绕过守门员或者后卫。也就是大家熟知的弧线球。 之所以用banana命名...

  • 以色列将量产纸板自行车

    12-10-21 以色列一位自动生产线设计师设计的纯纸板自行车即将在数月内开始大量生产,车身仅重9公斤,售价不超过20美元。 A bicycle made almost entirely of cardboard has the potential to change transportation habits from the world's most congested cities to the poore...

  • 欧洲:骑自行车上班可获奖励

    11-06-25 为了推行环保主义和更加健康的生活方式,比利时、荷兰等欧洲国家的很多企业都对骑自行车上班的员工进行奖励,奖金按他们骑自行车的路程计算。 Getting paid for going to work may sound too good to be true, but it's part of an increasingly popular scheme for co...

  • 哥本哈根将建设自行车高速路

    10-12-04 为了鼓励更多人骑自行车出行,丹麦首都哥本哈根计划将现有的自行车道改建为自行车高速路。 People ride their bicycles on Noerrebrogade boulevard, Copenhagen, on Oct 2. Copenhagen is already one of the world\s most bicycle-friendly cities. Copenhagen, one...

  • Don't be selfish 别太自私

    10-02-24 Don't be selfish A mother is admonishing her son. Now, John, don't be selfish. Let your little brother share the bicycle with you. But Mother, I do. I ride it down the hill, and he rides it up the hill. 别太自私 一位母亲在劝告她的儿子。 听着,约翰,...