• 备胎

    22-03-22 备胎在英文中究竟如何表达? 首先肯定不是spare tire,这是备胎的原始含义,即备用轮胎。我们今天讨论的是爱情备胎。 美国九十年代有一部风靡一时的情景喜剧--《宋飞正传》(Seinfield),主人公George Costanza有一句名言: Youre a back-up! Youre a second line, a...

  • 德国某市长发明特制公园长椅

    11-04-09 A mayor in Germany is attracting interest from other cities after he installed a special park bench for town teens who refuse to sit properly. 针对那些坐没坐相的青少年,德国某市市长近日发明了一款特制的公园长椅,使得其它不少城市也颇有兴趣。 After res...

  • Three Men in a Boat 三人同舟

    10-01-06 Three Men in a Boat Three men were sitting on a park bench. The one in the middle was reading a newspaper; the others were pretending to fish. They baited imaginary hooks, cast lines and reeled in their catch. A passing policeman stopped to watch th...
