• 聊男人身材

    22-07-25 形容 胖 男生如果胖的话可以用overweight(超重的,亦指过胖),这个词是比较中性的词,不像fat那么没有礼貌。 big (一般指又高又胖),现在广大男同胞一般都会有这么一样东西beer belly(啤酒肚)。 久坐不运动也会让你的腰间增加一环华丽的游泳圈(腰部赘肉)--spare tyr...

  • belly laugh 捧腹大笑

    22-02-17 belly是肚子,belly laugh就是捧腹大笑。 A belly laugh is a very loud, deep laugh Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh. 每一次插科打诨都引来一阵捧腹大笑。...

  • 腹部肥胖可能对大脑有害

    19-01-29 Belly fat has long been thought to be particularly bad for your heart, but now, a new study adds more evidence to the idea that it may also be bad for your brain. 长期以来,人们都认为腹部肥胖对心脏特别不好,但现在一项新研究提出的新证据表明,它可能还...

  • 专家:香水应该喷在肚脐眼上

    16-11-22 Wearing perfume is part of the daily routine for many women. Depending on the scent it helps you feel sexy, or fresh, and prepared for the day. 喷香水是许多女性日常生活中的一部分,不同香气的香水可以让你在这一天里变换不同的角色,可妖娆性感亦或清新可...

  • 肚子大增加心脏病患者的死亡率

    13-09-03 Having a big belly increases the risk of death in heart attack survivors, according to research presented at ESC Congress 2013 by Professor Tabassome Simon and Professor Nicolas Danchin from France. The findings from the FAST-MI 2005 registry sugges...

  • 古代的青蛙跳跃时腹部先着地

    10-07-22 Sometimes divers, to their own painful dismay(沮丧,灰心) , do belly flops(胸腹先着水的跳水动作) . But did you ever see a frog belly flop? That's just what primitive(原始的,远古的) living frogs do, according to a new study by Dr. Richard Essn...
