• 猫咪的毛色与其攻击性多强有关

    15-10-28 Is your puss a bit catty, the sort to scratch and hiss when handled? 你的猫是不是有点凶,摸一下就又挠又叫? Then it's likely to be black and white, grey and white or tortoiseshell, say veterinary scientists who believe a cat's fur colour is linked t...

  • 黑猩猩不是墨守成规的动物

    13-12-14 Chimpanzees are sensitive to social influences but they maintain their own strategy to solve a problem rather than conform to(符合) what the majority of group members are doing. However, chimpanzees do change their strategy when they can obtain gr...

  • 某些儿童的不良行为可能源于遗传

    13-11-11 Many parents worry their child's bad behaviour is a result of their parenting mistakes, but new research suggests this may not be the case. 许多家长担心孩子出现不良行为是自己教育不当的结果,但是新的研究表明,事实并非如此。 A study found that some ch...
