• 别丢人现眼了

    22-08-11 1. Dont make a fool of yourself. 别丢人现眼了! 2. Dont play the fool. 别丢人了。 3. Dont make an ass out of yourself. 别现眼了。 4. Stop acting like a fool. 别傻了。 5. Think about where you are. 请注意场合。 6. You should consider where you are. 请...

  • 12个和yourself相关的搭配 下

    22-04-02 7. lower yourself 降低身份 lower可以做动词,表示降低;减弱;跌落。 I wouldnt lower myself to respond to his insults if I were you. 我要是你就不会贬低自己的身份,理睬他的辱骂。 8. above yourself 趾高气扬 高兴得意的时候是不是有飘飘然的感觉。所以说高过...

  • behave yourself 好自为之

    20-11-29 好自为之,意思是自己妥善处置,自己看着办,大多数时候用于劝诫、警告他人。可以翻译为look out for oneself,behave yourself。也可以用Its your funeral表示,指you think someone is wrong by insisting on doing something in a particular way, but that they wi...
