• 《远距离爱情》精彩语句

    14-06-25 For us to push back from the gate, make sure seatbelts are fastened, tray tables in their locked position, and your luggage is completely stowed. 在飞机起飞以前,确保系紧安全带,餐桌在固定的位置,行李都完全放好。 I am going to get wasted. 我要去大醉...

  • 诚实

    14-06-10 Before, very few foreigners visited the southem foot of Himalayas. Then, many Japanese went there. It is said that this is because of the honesty of a small boy. One day, some Japanese photographers asked a local boy to buy some bottles of beer, whi...

  • Frederick and Catherine

    13-11-21 There was once on a time a man who was called Frederick and a woman called Catherine, who had married each other and lived together as young married folks. One day Frederick said, I will now go and plough, Catherine; when I come back, there must be...

  • 巴西酒吧新款酒杯 专治聚会玩手机

    13-06-21 朋友聚会时,大家都忙着玩手机,没人愿意好好聊天?巴西一家酒吧推出了一款专治聚会玩手机现象的啤酒杯,酒杯底部只有一侧有脚,其余部分需要用手机垫着,杯子才不会倒。这样,大家在放下酒杯想要看手机时,只能望机兴叹,转而跟朋友们聊天交流了。 Salve Jorge Bar in...

  • 美国消费者状告啤酒公司擅自稀释啤酒

    13-02-27 Beer drinkers in the US have filed a $5m lawsuit accusing Anheuser-Busch of watering down its beer. 美国啤酒饮用者状告安海斯布希公司稀释了其生产的啤酒。 The lawsuit claim the watering down began after Anheuser Busch\s 2008 merger with InBev The laws...

  • 啤酒中的苦味化合物能用来酿制新药

    13-01-30 Researchers employing a century-old observational technique have determined the precise configuration of humulones, substances derived from hops(啤酒花) that give beer its distinctive flavor. That might not sound like a big deal to the average bre...

  • 啤酒可防治感冒伤风

    13-01-10 A key ingredient found in beer, effective against a respiratory virus, may help ward off winter sniffles and cold, a new study suggests. 一项新研究指出,在啤酒中发现的一种关键成分能有效对抗呼吸道病毒,啤酒可能有助于防治冬日感冒和伤风。 Japanese rese...

  • 美国酒保研制出狗狗饮用啤酒

    13-01-10 美国一位吧台服务员去年突发奇想研制了一款专供狗狗饮用的啤酒。这款啤酒名为Dawg Grog,被誉为健康、营养的液体盛宴,由低钠蔬菜汁、水、酿酒厂弃用的谷物以及葡萄糖胺制成,完全不含酒精。 Everyone knows dog is man's best friend. Isn't it about the time mankin...

  • 白宫公布奥巴马自酿啤酒配方

    12-09-08 The White House has released details of one of its most closely guarded secrets - the recipe for President Barack Obama's home-brewed honey ale. 白宫近日公布了它保守最严的秘密之一奥巴马总统自家酿造的蜂蜜麦芽啤酒的配方。 The White House has released...

  • 喜力啤酒欲收购亚太酿酒公司

    12-07-20 Heineken has made a bid to buy the remaining stake in Tiger beer maker Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) that it does not already own. 喜力啤酒欲购买虎牌啤酒生产商亚太酿酒公司的剩余股份。 Heineken is expanding in emerging markets with accquisition in Mex...