• 什么是Wordle

    22-11-19 Wordle是一款简单的英文拼字游戏,这个游戏每天更新一期,玩家唯一目标,就是在六次尝试机会之内,猜出一个五个字母的单词。 游戏界面是一个 56 的方块阵列。玩家通过下方键盘输入猜测结果后,游戏会给字母方块标上颜色,提示猜测的准确性: 绿色:说明答案里有这个字...

  • 《棒!少年》豆瓣8.7 广受好评

    21-02-01 输在起跑线上的人生,怎么逆天改命?纪录片《棒!少年》上映后,豆瓣评分8.7,稳稳锁定近期国产片口碑第一。这群来自全国各地的困境少年,组成了一支特殊的棒球队,在困难中重生,与命运叫板! A group of children from poverty stricken areas across China gathered...

  • Is There Baseball in Heaven?

    17-02-28 Two ninety year old men, Moe and Sam, have been friends all their lives. It seems that Sam is dying of cancer, and Moe comes to visit him daily. Sam, says Moe, You know how we have both loved baseball all our lives, and how we played minor league ba...

  • 美国职业棒球大联盟进军中国市场

    16-01-08 Major League Baseball has inked a deal with a Chinese online sports company for live-streaming games in China. 美国职业棒球大联盟与中国一家在线体育公司签署一份比赛直播协议。 MLB and China-based Le Sports announced the partnership at the ongoing Cons...

  • 《点球成金》一

    13-01-29 片段对白 Steve: How are the guys doing? Billy: That was a killer. That was a killer. It's a tough one to swallow. It's... Steve: They played great. Billy: They played their hearts out. They did. They played fantastic. It just didn't fall our way. St...

  • 墨西哥棒球赛因枪战被迫停止

    10-07-14 The Mexican baseball league has been forced to suspend a game in progress because of gunfire at a stadium. 因体育馆发出枪声,墨西哥棒球联盟被迫终止一场正在进行的球赛。 The game between the Broncos at their home stadium in Reynosa and the Monterrey S...

  • 棒球明星马克·麦奎尔承认服用类固醇

    10-01-12 Retired US baseball star Mark McGwire has admitted using steroids during his career, including when he broke the sport's home run record in 1998. 美国退役棒球明星马克麦奎尔承认在自己的职业生涯中使用类固醇,包括打破1998年全垒打记录的时候。 Mr McGwire...
