• 有关选举的词汇

    15-05-12 absentee ballot (缺席选举人票)由不能亲自前往投票站的人所投的票,可能是邮递或委托他人代投的票。 backbencher (后座议员)非政府部门官员的议会议员。 ballot (投票)就是投票的意思。 ballot box (投票箱)一个密封的箱子,上面有一道缝,让选民可以把选票投...

  • caucus ballot 党内票决

    13-10-15 Rudd is expected to announce more of his cabinet lineup in the following days as some key cabinet members quit after then Prime Minister Gillard lost to Rudd in the caucus ballot by a 12 vote margin. 时任总理吉拉德在党内票决中以12票之差负于陆克文之...

  • 智利总统选举,塞巴斯蒂安暂时领先

    09-12-14 Early results in Chile's presidential elections put billionaire Sebastian Pinera ahead, but without the majority needed to avoid a second round. 智利总统选举初步结果显示,亿万富翁塞巴斯蒂安皮涅拉领先,但是没有达到能够避免第二轮选举的投票人数。 Sebas...
