• 香港将拍卖千禧年蓝宝石

    10-04-07 A rare and flawless blue diamond is to be offered for auction in Hong Kong. 一颗罕见的、无瑕疵的蓝宝石将在香港被拍卖。 The blue diamond is rare, flawless and fancy vivid The diamond, originally from the De Beers(德比尔斯) Millennium Collection, is...

  • 赫本生前服饰伦敦拍卖 拍价大超预期

    09-12-12 A collection of dresses worn by film star Audrey Hepburn fetched 268,000 pounds ($437,800) at auction, more than double the pre-sale estimate, organizers said on Wednesday. 著名影星奥黛丽赫本生前穿戴过的服饰日前拍卖,据拍卖组织者本周三介绍,赫本的这...

  • 杰克逊钻石手套以35万美元被拍卖

    09-11-23 A rhinestone-encrusted glove worn by Michael Jackson the first time he performed the Moonwalk has been sold at auction for $350,000 (212,000). Michael Jackson首次表演月球漫步锁佩戴的镶嵌着金刚石的手套在拍卖会上卖出35万美元的高价。 The glove was boug...

  • 猫王遗留的头发卖出天价

    09-11-16 A strand of hair from Elvis Presley, saved by his personal barber, has raised 1,055 at auction. 猫王的死人理发师保存下来的一缕头发,在拍卖会上飚出1055英镑的高价。 In November 2002 a wad of Elvis' hair sold for about 70,000 Homer Gill Gilleland toure...

  • 曼德拉未同意与演员塞隆举行会谈

    09-10-29 Hollywood actress Charlize Theron did not have the consent of South Africa's Nelson Mandela to auction off a meeting with him, his office says. 南非纳尔逊曼德拉办公室称,好莱坞女演员Charlize Theron没有获得曼德拉的同意与之会谈。 Charlize Theron met M...

  • Record by Japan's next leader hot on net auction 鸠山旧唱片

    09-09-12 The cover of Yukio Hatoyama's record. The vinyl single, Take Heart - Fly, Dove of Peace, recorded in 1988 when Hatoyama was first elected to parliament, recently sold for 35,000 yen ($375) in an online auction, a Japanese tabloid reported. Japan's n...

  • Paintings attributed to Hitler fetch $60,000 希特勒水彩画在

    09-09-12 A water-colour painting by Adolf Hitler. Three watercolours believed painted by a young Adolf Hitler were auctioned off for a total of 42,000 euros ($60,000) in the Bavarian city of Nuremberg on Saturday. Three watercolours believed painted by a you...

  • Jackson glove sells for $49,000 杰克逊手套49000美元被拍卖

    09-09-07 A jewelled white glove Michael Jackson threw to an Australian fan in 1996 has been sold at an auction in Melbourne for US$49,000 (29,900). Michael Jackson在1996年向一名澳大利亚粉丝抛出的一只镶满宝石的白手套在墨尔本拍卖会上以49000美元成交。 Jackson w...

  • Michael Jackson's glittery glove up for auction 杰克逊“比利

    09-08-16 迈克尔杰克逊1983年首次在电视上亮相表演太空舞步时戴的水晶手套将于11月21日由戴伦朱利安拍卖行拍卖,同时参与拍卖的还有麦当娜早期的歌曲小样卡带,以及吉米亨德里克斯未发表过的歌词等独一无二的藏品。据悉,这只手套的藏家为海军司令合唱团的创始成员之一奥兰基。...

  • Warhol's Jackson goes to auction Warhol的杰克逊画像将被拍卖

    09-08-02 A portrait by Andy Warhol of the late singer Michael Jackson is set to be auctioned in New York. Andy Warhol之作--Michael Jackson的肖像将于纽约被拍卖。 The portrait was commissioned to celebrate Thriller's record sales The 1984 portrait will be on s...