• 晚上8点15分 男人最佳谈话时间

    15-05-21 A survey of 1,000 men and women found that 8.15pm is the time when men are most prepared to listen to their other halves. 一项在1000位男女中进行的调查显示,晚上8点15分是男人最愿意倾听另一半说话的时间。 Almost half said they were happy to engage in s...

  • continuous partial attention 持续部分关注

    14-03-20 Continuous partial attention (CPA) refers to a state in which most of one's attention is on a primary task, but where one is also monitoring several background tasks just in case something more important or interesting comes up. Continuous partial a...

  • On Motes and Beams

    13-06-05 It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous(可憎的) than the offenses of others. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excu...

  • 想到你 VS 想你

    13-05-08 原文: 鸿渐想起唐晓芙和自己,心像火焰的舌头突跳而起,说:想到你还是想你?我们一天要想到不知多少人,亲戚、朋友、仇人,以及不相干的见过面的人。真正想一个人,记挂着他,希望跟他接近,这少得很。人事太忙了,不许我们全神贯注,无间断地怀念一个人。我们一生对...

  • stage-phoning 演戏式通话

    12-04-24 A person who engages in stage-phoning is someone who talks loudly on their mobile in a deliberate attempt to attract the interest and attention of people around them. Such individuals appear to be behaving as if they were giving a performance, with...

  • 女性双唇最吸引男性

    10-11-27 If you want to catch a mans attention, dont bother fluttering your eyelashes or flicking your hair. Just practise your pout. 如果你想吸引男人的目光,不必费心去眨动睫毛或捋头发,只需性感地撅撅嘴就可以了。 All smiles: Jessica Alba and Cheryl Cole prov...

  • 曾患注意力不集中的青少年有较高的自杀倾向

    10-10-05 Children diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD注意力不集中症 ) at ages 4 to 6 are more likely to suffer from depression as adolescents than those who did not have ADHD at that age, according to a long-term study published in...

  • 听别人打手机心烦的原因

    10-05-30 Ever wonder why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so annoying? American researchers think they have found the answer. 知道为什么听别人打手机如此心烦吗?美国研究人员称他们找到了答案。 Ever wonder why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so a...

  • 突发事件是如何造成意识空白的?

    10-03-12 Reading this story requires you to willfully(故意地) pay attention to the sentences and to tune out nearby conversations, the radio and other distractions(分心,干扰) . But if a fire alarm sounded, your attention would be involuntarily(不自觉地...

  • Just Listen

    09-12-11 I suspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. And especially if it's given from the heart. When people are talking, t...