• 上海天文馆7月17日正式开馆

    21-07-14 全球建筑规模最大的天文馆上海天文馆(上海科技馆分馆)计划于7月17日正式开馆,18日起对公众开放。上海天文馆门票价格方案已确定,普通门票价格定为30元/人。 上海天文馆建筑面积约3.8万平方米,主建筑以优美的螺旋形态构成天体运行轨道,独具特色的圆洞天窗、球幕影...

  • 中微子天文学时代已经到来

    13-11-25 Astrophysicists using a telescope embedded in Antarctic ice have succeeded in a quest to detect and record the mysterious phenomena known as cosmic neutrinos -- nearly massless particles that stream to Earth at the speed of light from outside our so...

  • 哈勃望远镜捕捉到新恒星团的形成景象

    10-06-03 With a mass of more than 10 000 suns packed into a volume with a diameter of a mere three light-years, the massive young star cluster(星团) in the nebula(星云) NGC 3603 is one of the most compact stellar clusters in the Milky Way and an ideal pl...
