• 高级形容词 下

    22-03-22 空灵 Ethereal Effect 空灵用笔洗练,重在传达神韵,具有空灵特点的作品澄澈透明、飘逸灵动,能使人体悟到自由超脱的审美愉悦。 The notion of ethereal effect values simple layout and economical use of details, seeking to convey character and imagination. Wo...

  • 2020年豆瓣评分最高的10本书

    21-01-17 1 The Art of Mondo Based in Austin, Texas, Mondo is an art gallery and online store devoted to the love of film, art, music and collectibles. Over the years, the company has received global recognition for its incredible art posters that bring to li...

  • 童年痛苦的人更容易有创造力和艺术天分

    18-05-19 Performing artists who were exposed to abuse, neglect or a dysfunctional family as a child might experience their creative process more intensely, according to a new long-term study that has found a link between the two. 一项长期研究发现,表演艺术家...

  • Jay-Z入选美国创作人名人堂

    17-02-25 Jay-Z is to become the first rapper ever inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in the US. Jay-Z将成为首位入选美国创作人名人堂的说唱歌手。 A handful of artists who are considered to have enriched the worlds culture with their songwriting and mus...

  • Scullers at Dawn

    16-02-16 Scullers at Dawn Arne Weingart Like all artists you start out in the dark pushing off alone from the silent docks of the thousand black rivers and black lakes with no special purpose in mind not transport or carnage or measurement not even for pleas...

  • 爱沙尼亚将给作家和美术家发薪水鼓励创作

    15-11-06 Ten writers and artists in Estonia are to be paid a salary by the state for the next three years to encourage their work, it's been reported. 据报道,未来三年,爱沙尼亚政府将给十位作家和美术家发薪水来鼓励他们的创作。 The ministry of culture in the B...

  • 塞内加尔雕塑家乌斯曼·索乌获法国嘉奖

    13-12-14 Senegal sculptor Ousmane Sow has become the first African to join France's Academy of Fine Arts. 塞内加尔雕塑家乌斯曼索乌成为第一位获得法国艺术学院嘉奖的非洲人。 Sow's knowledge of anatomy helped define his work The 78-year-old, considered one of Af...
