• 内科医生治疗周边动脉症思路发生转变

    10-10-06 A balloon angioplasty(气囊血管成形术) device that sucks up dangerous plaque(血小板) debris could trigger a paradigm shift(典范转移) in how physicians treat peripheral(外围的,次要的) artery disease, researchers write in the current issue of...

  • 埃及木乃伊发现患有心脏病

    09-11-18 Hardening of the arteries(动脉) has been detected in Egyptian mummies, some as old as 3,500 years, suggesting that the factors causing heart attack and stroke are not only modern ones; they afflicted(苦恼,折磨) ancient people, too. Study result...

  • Low-carb diets 'damage arteries' 低碳饮食“有伤动脉”

    09-08-25 Low-carb slimming diets may clog arteries and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, a study suggests. 一项调查建议,低碳节食餐可能阻塞动脉,增加心脏病和中风危险。 Low-carb dieters base meals on meat dishes Diets based on eating lots of mea...
