• 重盔甲压倒骑士

    23-01-29 利滋大学的一项研究报道认为中世纪时期的金属盔甲沉重得让士兵难以在沙场上作战,这也可能直接影响到战果。 As weapons became more and more sophisticated in medieval Europe armour also evolved, and by the 15th century soldiers would have been clad top-to-t...

  • knight in shining armour 救难英雄

    21-12-17 A knight in shining armour 这个短语的传统意思是拯救少女的身着闪光盔甲的骑士。如今指帮人排忧解难的英雄人物。 例句 David came to help me when my car broke down - hes my knight in shining armour. Thank you for bringing me that coffee - youre my knight...

  • 钢铁侠的战衣或许能用于现实生活

    21-04-13 说到外骨骼,你或许觉得很陌生,但如果提到钢铁侠的战甲,你一定非常熟悉。事实上,这种战甲正被越来越多地应用到我们的现实生活中,也许有一天,你也能成为钢铁侠! Imagine wearing high-tech body armour that makes you super strong and tireless. Such technolog...

  • 中世纪重型盔甲消耗战士过多能量

    11-07-20 The French may have had a better chance at the Battle of Agincourt had they not been weighed down by heavy body armour, say researchers. A study published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B shows that soldiers carrying armour in Medieval ti...
