• divorce appointment 离婚预约

    13-01-28 Couples are told to make an appointment at least seven days after they file for a divorce. More than 40 percent of those who came to the bureau to get a divorce in April, May and June didn't return for their final appointments. 提出离婚的夫妻被告知...

  • 'No shows' costs the NHS millions 病人失约,英国民健康组织损

    09-08-12 Patients who fail to keep hospital appointments cost the NHS more than 600 million a year, enough to run two medium-size hospitals, data has shown. 数据显示,失约于医院的病人使国民健康保险制度组织一年花费超过600万英镑,足够建两座中等规模的医院。 Bet...
