• punchbag 出气筒

    21-11-15 在英文中,人们用punchbag(沙袋)比喻发泄怒气的对象,而中文里也有类似的表达。 出气筒,指无充分的理由或恰当的原因而被人当做发泄怒火的工具。出气,字面意思是排放空气(air-out),引申含义为发泄气愤(give vent to ones anger)。常见表达为把某人当成出气筒(...

  • gnash one's teeth 咬牙切齿

    21-09-01 咬牙切齿,汉语成语,意思是形容极端仇视或痛恨,也形容把某种情绪或感觉竭力抑制...

  • mad with anger 怒不可遏

    21-08-02 怒不可遏,汉语成语,意思是愤怒得难以抑制,形容十分愤怒。可以翻译为mad with anger,in ones uncontrollable furies或ones fury knows no bounds等。 例句: 他怒不可遏,把照片撕得粉碎。 In a gush of uncontrollable anger he tore the picture into pieces....

  • grovel 低声下气

    20-12-21 低声下气,汉语成语,字面意思是lower ones voice and stifle ones anger,形容说话时态度卑微恭顺的样子。可以用grovel表示,意思是 to behave with too much respect toward someone to show that you are very eager to please them。 例句: 我强迫自己走进他的办...

  • computer rage 电脑狂暴症

    17-09-26 Computer rage is physical or verbal abuse towards a computer or computer-related accessory due to heightened anger or frustration. 电脑狂暴症是指由于极度愤怒或沮丧,所引发的对电脑或配件的拳打脚踢或言语羞辱。 Examples of computer rage include cursing...