• 课堂上老师的常用语-提问学生

    22-06-22 Can you repeat what I have just said? 我刚刚讲的内容,你能复述一遍吗? Who would like to say something? 谁来讲讲? Do you agree? 你同意吗? Could you say a little more about that? 关于那一点,你能再进一步说说吗? Can you elaborate on that? 你能详细...

  • agree with somebody in everything 百依百顺

    22-05-06 百依百顺,汉语成语,形容事事都顺从别人,毫不违背。可以翻译为agree with somebody in everything,be all obedience等。 例句: 他对妻子百依百顺。 He is always compliant with his wife. 父母对他总是百依百顺。 His parents pandered to his every whim....

  • 表示同意

    22-04-19 I (totally) agree with you / that. 我完全同意。 I couldnt agree more. 我再同意不过了。 Id go along with that. 我会赞同的。 I feel the same. 我有同样的感觉。 Youre absolutely right. 你绝对是正确的。 Absolutely / Definitely / Exactly. 绝对是。 No doub...

  • 询问意见

    22-04-19 What do you think/reckon? 你在想什么? Do you see what Im getting at? 你明白我的意思吗? Do you know/see what I mean? 你知道我的意思吗? Do you agree with me? 你同意我的意见吗? Would you go along with that? 你同意吗? Would you agree with me that ?...

  • 几个“令人烦恼”的语句

    22-04-11 1.I almost agree. 不同意。 Almost一词本意为几乎。然而当英国人说我几乎同意时,其实他们的意思是我一点儿都不同意。这在日常口语中一定要引起注意。 另外还有与此相对的一句话:I can not agree more.这句话很容易因为直译出现错误,这里是情态动词的否定再加上比较...

  • I almost agree. 我不同意。

    21-07-19 如果你发表了一个看法,向歪果仁征询他的意见。 他回复你:I almost agree. 这就有点让人摸不着头脑了,到底是同意,还是不同意呢? 那就来探讨一下 I almost agree.的含义吧! I almost agree.到底是什么意思呢? 要理解这句话,almost这个词的意思在这里就很重要:表...

  • 用英语表达疑虑

    20-12-13 在用英语交流的过程中,不论是想质疑朋友对一场篮球比赛的预测结果,还是要告知商务合作伙伴你对他们的销售预估量存有疑虑,你都可以试用以下八道题的正确答案来礼貌、委婉地表达自己的不同看法。 1. In response to sentence A, which of the following options expre...

  • 我非常同意。

    20-10-17 1. Its so true! 这太对了! 形容词true的本意是正确的,这里用它突出了说话人非常赞同对方的观点、看法。 2. Absolutely. 完全同意。 这句话用到了副词absolutely,它在口语中可用来感叹赞同他人的看法,意思是:完全同意你的看法! 3. I second that!或Seconded! 我...

  • 用be going to谈论未来的计划

    20-09-03 Be going to 结构和现在进行时都可以用来谈论未来的计划和安排,但在使用时要注意它们的区别:be going to 只能指一个大致的安排、打算,而现在进行时可以突出未来的计划已经确定,细节已定。 1. 语法结构 1) Be going to 结构 Be going to is followed by a bare infi...

  • People Pleaser 好好先生

    16-05-26 Youve probably suspected for a while that youre a People Pleaser . Every time you go out with that friend you no longer really want to keep in touch with. Or every time you agree to babysit your cousins dog (even though youre not much of a fur-lover...