• 《神探夏洛克》女房东因病去世

    21-08-16 据英国媒体报道,曾因出演《神探夏洛克》的女演员尤娜斯塔布斯因病去世,享年84岁。斯塔布斯在20世纪60年代成名,她近年来最为观众所熟知的角色是在《神探夏洛克》中饰演女房东哈德森太太。 Actor Una Stubbs, known for her roles in TV series such as Worzel Gummid...

  • 哈莉·贝瑞或将出演《王牌特工》续集

    16-03-13 X-Men Halle Berry is now in talks to star in the upcoming sequel to the 2015 hit movie Kingsman: The Secret Service. 《X战警》演员哈莉贝瑞或将出演2015热映影片《王牌特工:特工学院》的续集。 The 49-year-old actress is in talks to play the chief of the...

  • Nice Motto

    15-12-10 Life Insurance Agent: Don't let me frighten you into a decision. Sleep on it tonight, and if you wake up in the morning, let me know what you think....

  • 中华人民共和国民法通则 13

    15-09-08 第四章 民事法律行为和代理 第二节 代理 Section 2 Agency 第六十三条 公民、法人可以通过代理人实施民事法律行为。 Article 63 Citizens and legal persons may perform civil juristic acts through agents 代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。...

  • 美国特工曝光希拉里霸道的一面

    14-06-16 If Hillary Clinton runs, and wins the Presidential race in 2016, the Republicans won't be the only ones with trepidation. The Secret Service, who have tangled with Hillary since she became First Lady in 1993, will also be quaking in their lace-ups....

  • 《美国队长》三

    12-11-16 片段对白 Steven: I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot . And behind that diner . Agent Carter: Did you have something against running away? Steven: You start running, they'll never let you stop. You stand up, yo...

  • FBI悬赏100万征集前探员信息

    12-03-07 The FBI is offering a $1m reward for information leading to the safe return of missing former agent Robert Levinson, last seen in Iran. FBI悬赏100万美元征集能够使前特工罗伯特莱文森安全回归的信息,他最后一次出现是在伊朗。 The FBI poster shows what Ro...

  • 美国否认谋杀伊朗科学家

    10-01-13 The US has dismissed allegations by Iran that American and Israeli agents were responsible for the killing of a physics professor in Tehran. 伊朗宣称美国和以色列的特工对德黑兰一位物理教授的谋杀案有关,美国否认了此断言。 Professor Mohammadi was kille...
