• 玩电子游戏的老年人有良好的情感健康

    13-03-07 New research from North Carolina State University finds that older adults who play video games report higher levels of emotional well-being. Researchers asked 140 people aged 63 and older how often they played video games, if at all(如果某事真会发...

  • 大多数大学年龄段的孩子仍依赖父母

    12-05-04 More than 60 percent of young adults between the ages of 19 and 22 received some financial help from mom and dad, according to a new University of Michigan study. The average amount they received -- including help with college tuition, rent, and tra...

  • 老年人多吃浆果能缓解认知能力下降

    12-04-27 Blueberries and strawberries, which are high in flavonoids(黄酮类) , appear to reduce cognitive decline in older adults according to a new study recently published in Annals of Neurology, a journal of the American Neurological Association and Chil...

  • 美国年轻人怕离婚因而不结婚

    11-12-25 Fear of the trauma of divorce is stopping many young couples from walking down the aisle, a university report has found. 一项大学研究发现,许多美国年轻情侣不结婚是因为怕遭受离婚的创伤。 With the share of married adults at an all-time low in the Unit...

  • 婴儿首先通过声音了解世界

    11-07-12 It's not just the words, but the sounds of words that have meaning for us. This is true for children and adults, who can associate the strictly auditory(听觉的) parts of language vowels produced in the front or the back of the mouth, high or low p...

  • 1型糖尿病青年患者易诱发心脏疾病

    11-06-26 AURORA, Colo. (June 25, 2011) New research shows that adolescents and young adults with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes have thicker and stiffer carotid arteries(颈动脉) , also known as atherosclerosis(动脉硬化) , a risk factor for heart attack and s...

  • 糖尿病已成为全球流行病

    11-06-26 A major international study collating and analyzing worldwide data on diabetes since 1980 has found that the number of adults with the disease reached 347 million in 2008, more than double the number in 1980. The research, published today in The Lan...

  • 很多年轻人正遭遇“青年危机”

    11-05-17 They may still be in the prime of their lives - but for many young adults, their 20s and 30s are now a time of panic and self-doubt as they suffer a 'quarter-life crisis'. 很多20和30多岁的年轻人也许还处于人生的黄金时期,但因为遭遇青年危机,他们正在...

  • 老年人喜欢阅读年轻人的负面新闻

    10-09-05 Older people like reading negative news stories about their younger counterparts because it boosts their own self-esteem, according to a new study. 根据一项新研究,老年人喜欢阅读有关年轻人的负面新闻,因为这能增强他们的自信。 German researchers said...

  • 美国青少年肥胖趋势明显

    10-04-25 Los Angeles, CA (April 23, 2010) Obesity rates for American adults have stabilized while the rate of childhood and minority obesity(肥大,肥胖) is rising, according to a study in the journal Medical Decision Making, published by SAGE. Using a nove...