• casino-themed daycare 赌场主题的日间陪护所

    22-10-14 老虎机响个不停,卡牌在绿呢台面上滑动,筹码堆放在百家乐赌桌上,房间里的人平均年龄达80岁。如今,日本正兴起一种新型老年人陪护场所类似拉斯维加斯赌场主题的日间陪护所。 Casino-themed daycare may become a pillar of Japanese economic revival plans by occupy...

  • 我国将力争在年底前完成3至11岁人群新冠疫苗接种

    21-11-01 10月30日举行的国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会上,国家卫健委疾控局副局长吴良有表示,我国将力争在年底前完成3至11岁人群新冠疫苗接种。 吴良有介绍: China has approved three domestic COVID-19 vaccines for emergency use in children aged 3 to 11. Two inactiva...

  • 英国中年人健康状况是否不如以往?

    21-09-17 一项研究发现,大约三分之一的英国中年人有多种健康问题,如慢性背痛、心理健康状况不佳和高血压。 The findings come from nearly 8,000 adults taking part in the 1970 British cohort study that spans more than 50 years of life. 这些调查结果来自对近8000名成...

  • 科学家研发出社区老年人寿命预测工具

    21-07-08 假如死亡能预测,你想知道自己的寿命还剩多久吗? 在2015年上映的一部比利时奇幻喜剧电影中,上帝的女儿为了反抗父亲的压迫,将人类的死亡日期发到他们的手机上。 人们在得知自己生命的剩余时间后,有人喜悦,有人恐慌,有人愤怒,有人则表现得异常平静。 虽然电影是虚...

  • 美国年轻成人与父母同住数量创80年新高

    20-09-08 The number of young adults living with their parents hit an eight-decade high in July, as the pandemics disruption of jobs hit young generations particularly hard. 与父母同住的美国年轻成人数量在七月份达到了八十年来的最高峰,因为疫情对年轻一代的就业...

  • 中国成人睡眠时间居世界前茅

    19-03-22 Chinese adults are among the longest sleepers in the world, with an average of 7.1 hours of sleep on weeknights and 8.5 hours of sleep on weekend nights, according to a global survey. 一项全球调查显示,中国成年人的睡眠时间在世界最长之列,工作日夜晚...

  • 关于手机礼节 最好避免这五件事

    18-08-12 1. Talk on the phone at mealtimes An absolute no-no for most (81%) of us - yet half of us have been with others whove done it. And more than a quarter (26%) of young adults admit to it. They should always be off and out of sight during meals, meetin...

  • 日本法定成年年龄下调至18岁

    18-03-17 Children in Japan will be considered adults when they are 18 as opposed to 20, under a new proposal that is supported by the government. 根据日本政府出台的一项新提案,日本法定成年年龄将由之前的20岁下调至18岁。 If the change is approved, 18-year-olds...

  • 浙江共青团举办相亲会

    17-06-27 A 2017 large-scale matchmaking party was held on June 26, 2017 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, with around 5,000 single people from various industries taking part. 一场2017大规模相亲会于6月26日在浙江杭州举行,大约5000名来自各行各业的单身人士参加这次...

  • pink noise 粉红噪音

    17-05-26 A small new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience suggests that one easy way for older adults to get deeper sleep and stronger memories is to listen to a certain soothing sound called pink noise -- a mix of high and low frequencies that...