• 演员查理·辛因家庭暴力被判接受康复治疗

    10-08-03 US actor Charlie Sheen has been sentenced to 30 days in rehabilitation after he pleaded guilty to assault in a domestic violence case. 美国演员查理辛承认自己在一宗家庭暴力事件中所犯之罪行,被判处30天的康复治疗。 The couple have reportedly agreed to...

  • 日本连续七年最受欢迎的男演员:强尼·戴普

    10-03-06 Moviegoers in Japan can't get enough of Johnny Depp: The Pirates of the Caribbean star has been named favorite actor for a record seventh straight year in a survey by Japanese film magazine Screen. 强尼戴普对于日本影迷的吸引力长久不衰。据日本电影杂...

  • 男演员查理·辛接受康复治疗

    10-02-25 Actor Charlie Sheen has entered rehab and will be taking a break from filming his popular TV series, Two and a Half Men, his publicist has said. 演员查理辛的发言人称,查理将接受一段时期的康复治疗,因此将不能继续出演电视连续剧《好汉两个半》。 Sheen s...

  • 英国电影奖颁奖典礼开幕

    10-02-22 Britons Carey Mulligan and Colin Firth have won the best actor Baftas, while Iraq war film The Hurt Locker, was named best film. 英国人卡利木列根和柯林佛斯赢得英国电影奖最佳男演员称号,伊拉克战争电影《拆弹部队》被提名为最佳电影。 Best film: The Hurt...

  • “哈利波特”否认吸毒谣言

    09-11-14 Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has categorically denied newspaper allegations that he was photographed smoking cannabis. 哈利波特演员丹尼尔雷德克里夫绝对地否认了报纸上他被拍摄到吸食大麻的报道。 The actor is currently filming Harry Potters and t...

  • Plaque for Carry On star Williams 英国演员威廉斯获得蓝色牌匾

    09-10-12 The late actor and comedian Kenneth Williams has been honoured with a blue plaque at the central London site of his father's barber shop. 已故喜剧男演员Kenneth Williams的父亲在在伦敦中心的理发店被授予一块蓝色牌匾。 Kenneth Williams lived in a flat a...

  • Actor Randy Quaid freed on bail 演员Randy Quaid获保释

    09-09-27 Actor Randy Quaid and his wife Evi have been freed on bail after being arrested for allegedly failing to pay a hotel bill of more than $10,000 (6,245). 演员Randy Quaid和他妻子Evi被保释,此前二人因为没能付清超过1万美元的酒店账单而被逮捕。 Randy and E...

  • Firth criticises 'plastic' actors Firth批判整形演员

    09-09-09 Colin Firth says it is a disaster for actors to have Botox injections and plastic surgery. Colin Firth称注射内毒素和整形手术对演员来说是灾难性的。 Firth is currently starring in Dorian Gray The Mamma Mia! star said it was catastrophic(悲惨的,灾难...

  • Actor Piven cleared in sushi row 演员Piven寿司中毒一事解决

    09-08-29 Actor Jeremy Piven has been cleared in a dispute with Broadway producers after sushi-related mercury poisoning caused him to quit a play. 演员Jeremy Piven与百老汇制片人一场争论结束,此前他曾因为寿司水银中毒事件被迫退出一场戏剧。 Piven said his illne...

  • Actor Wahlberg 'weds girlfriend' 演员Wahberg“与女友结婚”

    09-08-03 Actor Mark Wahlberg married long-term girlfriend Rhea Durham in Los Angeles on Saturday, according to reports. 报道称,演员Mark Wahlberg星期六在洛杉矶与他的长期拍拖女友Rhea Durham结婚。 Wahlberg's recent films include Max Payne and The Happening The...