• 欧盟提议新隐私保护法

    23-01-29 欧洲居民将第一次拥有申请被公司忘记的权利。根据欧盟新的隐私保护法提议,人们有权通知一个公司删除该公司在互联网上所有有关他们的个人信息。 Just how much control should people have over their online reputations? Should they be able to demand that an unfl...

  • 个人养老金

    22-12-31 个人养老金 private pension 个人养老金制度11月25日正式启动实施。个人养老金是一项补充养老保险制度,参加人需要开立个人账户,每年缴费上限为1.2万元,并按照国家有关规定享受税收优惠政策。参加人可自主选择购买符合规定的个人养老金产品。 China on Friday announ...

  • 国家网信办将对各类网站平台账号乱象进行集中整治

    21-10-21 国家网信办将对即时通讯、新闻资讯、论坛社区、网络直播、知识问答、生活服务、电子商务、网络视频、网络游戏等各类网站平台账号乱象进行集中整治。 The campaign will focus on malpractices such as re-registration of banned accounts, using illegal information...

  • by/from all accounts 根据大家所说

    21-08-19 - as said by most people 例句: By all accounts, San Francisco is a city thats easy to fall in love with. 众所周知,旧金山是一个很容易爱上的城市。 From all accounts, hes a really nice guy. 据大家所说,他真的是一个好人。...

  • have a loophole to exploit 有机可乘

    20-12-23 有机可乘,汉语成语,意思是有机会可以利用,有空子可钻。可以翻译为theres an opportunity to take advantage of; theres a loophole that can be used; have a loophole to exploit。 例句: 不能让敌人有机可乘。 Dont give the enemy a chance. 但往往正是人类的弱...

  • Facebook账户可以被继承

    15-03-10 Worried about what will happen to your Facebook account after you die? Worry no more as a new feature introduced by the social networking giant on Thursday allows users to choose a legacy contact' who will inherit your account after you die. 还在担...

  • 人们最常用密码仍是1234

    13-08-11 Despite a rise in credit card fraud, the most commonly-used PIN is still 1234, with 1111 and 0000 coming in second and third. 科技顾问公司数据基因在对340万个四位密码进行研究后指出,1234仍是人们最常使用的密码组合,比例接近11%。 Research has revealed...

  • 法国对瑞士联合银行逃税问题介入调查

    13-06-08 French authorities are formally investigating UBS for allegedly helping wealthy clients open undeclared bank accounts in Switzerland. 法国官方正在对瑞士联合银行展开正式调查,后者据称帮助其富裕的客户在瑞士开设未经申报的银行账户。 The Swiss bank is su...

  • online virtual assets 网络虚拟财产

    11-11-30 After publishing the White Paper of Public Services of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, Shenzhen has become the first city in Guangdong province to introduce concrete policies to protect residents' online virtual assets . 深圳市发布《深圳市公安局公...

  • 俄总统Twitter账号遭遇山寨

    10-07-11 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫上月访美时在Twitter总部申请的账号KremlinRussia出了个山寨版KermlinRussia,这个账号在梅德韦杰夫首篇微博发布几天后出现,并且很快就有了近1500个粉丝关注。到六月底,这个账号已经发布了130条微博,其中大部分都是对梅德韦杰夫账号发布的内容...
