• accept的五个用法

    23-01-29 1 动词 accept 可以表示 接受,领受(礼物、奖项、道歉、责任、付款方式)。 Thank you but this gift is way too expensive I cant accept it. The singer accepted her award at the ceremony. She accepted his apology for showing up late to her birthday party....

  • except和accept

    21-12-07 单词 except 和 accept 的拼写都包含 -cept,发音也非常相似,所以不少人会将它们混淆。其实,except 和 accept 的意思大有不同。 用法总结 1 Except 的意思是 除之外,不包括。 I love all types of film except horror films. Ive visited all parts of the UK excep...

  • accept and imitate blindly 生搬硬套

    21-06-06 做任何事情都要学会灵活变通,不可生搬硬套。生搬硬套,汉语成语,意思是指不顾实际情况,机械地运用别人的经验,照抄别人的办法,含贬义。套表示模仿(copy)。可以翻译为 copy mechanically and apply indiscriminately或accept and imitate blindly。 例句: 对先进...

  • be completely taken in 信以为真

    21-05-11 信以为真,汉语成语,意思是以为某件事是真的,指把假的当作真的。可以翻译为accept something(usu false) to be true,be completely taken in。 例句: 他这人很容易轻信,别人说什么他都信以为真。 He is so credulous that he believes whatever is said. 别对那些...

  • 宋人献玉

    15-11-19 There was a man of the State of Song who liked to curry favour with others. One day, he got a piece of uncarved jade and went to present it to Zi Han, a minister of the State of Song, with the intention to ingratiate himself with the official. Zi Ha...
