• 赞美能力

    22-01-07 If you dont mind my saying, you are a(n) excellent / outstanding / superb + (noun phrase) 如果你不介意我说的话,你是一个优秀的/杰出的/卓越的+(名词短语) I must say you really know how to + (verb) 我必须说你真的精通做+(动词) You are a fine + (noun...

  • 什么香气有助于提升工作效率

    21-12-07 1. Rosemary 迷迭香 Rosemary oils are found to be stimulative. It is said to help increase alertness and in a 2018 study, rosemary is found to help boost memory and focus. 迷迭香精油能够提神,据称还能提高警觉性。2018年的一项研究发现,迷迭香精油有助于...

  • 聊聊如何提高你的适应力

    21-10-14 人生中难免会遇到各种磕磕绊绊,然而,身处逆境时能够从容应对十分重要。如何衡量一个人的适应力?怎样可以更好地面对挫折? Weve all heard of IQ, and terms like EQ, which relates to your emotional intelligence, are commonly used. But have you heard of AQ?...

  • 水殻禾逍托∏傻那彼溉槎

    21-07-05 生物学家发现了世界上最小的潜水哺乳动物 水鼩的基因秘密。 Water shrews are diminutive, long-snouted mammals. They weigh less than one AA battery, and lose heat quickly, and burn energy constantly in tiny active muscles. 水鼩是一种体型纤...

  • be unable to do what one would like to do 力不从心

    21-04-29 力不从心,汉语成语,指心里想做,但力量或能力办不到。可以翻译为ones ability falling short of ones wishes或be unable to do what one would like to do。 例句: 老王年事已高,工作有些力不从心。 As Lao Wang is advanced in years, he is not able to work as...

  • 百无聊赖能够提高创造力

    21-03-23 Were you constantly bored as a child? Maybe that helped you to develop your innate ability to be creative. Boredom can be a good thing for children, according to Dr Teresa Belton, researcher at the University of East Anglias School of Education and...

  • 表能力和可能性的情态动词

    20-12-13 如果想描述一个人有做一件事情的能力(ability),就可以使用固定搭配 able to 或情态动词 can;如果想描述一个人不具备做一件事情的能力,那么则应该用 unable to 或 cant。情态动词 could 和它的否定形式 couldnt 可分别用来谈论一个人在过去是否具有做一件事情的能...

  • 中国首次发布英语语言能力评估表

    18-04-15 Chinas Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission have jointly issued the countrys first evaluation scale for English language ability. 中国教育部和国家语言文字工作委员会联合公布了英语语言能力的首份评估表。 The scale, called Chinas Stan...

  • alta-male 阿尔塔男

    16-08-12 The days of blokes sitting on the sofa watching football with a can of lager in their hand are over, here comes a new breed of men known as alta-male . 一群酒鬼男手里拿着啤酒坐在沙发上看球赛的日子已经过去了,如今流行新型的阿尔塔男。 They are men who...

  • 创业者2015年应拜读的八本书 下

    15-11-23 ThinkerToys by Michael Michalko The ability to create is just that -- a developable ability -- that can be learned and improved upon much like any other competency, and the author does just that in this creativity bible. After all, creativity and op...