• 英语词汇:书籍相关的英语表达

    20-05-13 a play 一出戏 authorized biography 授权的传记 autobiography 自传 classic novel 经典小说 criticism 文学批评 detective story 侦探故事 ghost story 鬼故事 history 历史 horror story 恐怖故事 modern classic 现代经典 novella 小说 philosophy 哲学 poetry ant...

  • 英语词汇:犯罪类词汇

    20-05-11 Criminal Name Definition: this person.... 1. Blackmailer A. Gets money from people by threatening to tell their secrets 2. Forger B. Secretly steals things from peoples bags in crowded places 3. Shoplifter C. Takes control of a boat of plane by forc...

  • 由well组成的形容词

    20-05-08 Put the correct well-adjective into the sentences: well-balanced well-behaved well-connected well-informed well-mannered well-off well-dressed well-made It is important to be ________ for a job interview. I like to buy ________ furniture as it lasts...