• 数学相关的英语表达

    20-04-23 Straight line Perpendicular Curve Arc Circle Radius Diameter Section Square Rectangle Diagonal Right triangle Oval Center Whole A half (1/2) A quarter (1/4) Cube Cylinder Pyramid Cone Parallel lines...

  • 一些常见的游戏术语用英文怎么说?

    20-04-22 1、常见的游戏术语用英语怎么说? ①走位 blocking 这个词在电子游戏上是指单位的移动。 在游戏中良好的走位可以让躲避敌方的技能、开阔或是利用视野等使自己获得优势,但同时其他人也可以利用你的走位或者预判你的走位并对此作出判断。 ②隐身 cloaking ③挂机 afk(a...

  • 和人们居住环境相关的英语表达

    20-04-16 Places cosmopolitan (environment) metropolitan (city) downtown city centre urban the suburbs / suburban areas (NOTE: when referring to the suburbs, we generally always use THE) rural the outskirts CBD (Central Business District) city hall coastal ci...

  • 生活英语:卧室相关的英语词汇和表达

    20-04-13 1) Put your head on the pillow. 2) I have an extra blanket if you feel cold. 3) She has a problem sleeping at night. 4) I hung your clothes up in the wardrobe. 5) I use the lamp by my bed for reading at night. 6) Is that clicking noise coming from t...

  • 新冠肺炎疫情相关词汇——社会生活

    20-04-09 1. 产教融合 to integrate the resources of enterprises with vocational schools and universities 2. 复工人员专列 special train for returning workers 3. 全国居民消费价格指数 CPI (consumer price index) 4. 人均可支配收入 per capita disposable income 5....

  • 新冠肺炎疫情相关词汇——对外援助

    20-04-09 1. 道不远人,人无异国。(援助韩国,源自新罗旅唐学者崔致远) Great distance cannot separate us; We all live in a united world. 2. 尼莲正东流,西树几春秋。(援助印度,源自玄奘) By the Holy Lotus River Where pure gold flows east. Looking back to the weste...

  • 新冠肺炎疫情相关词汇——合作抗疫

    20-04-09 1. 打好新冠肺炎疫情防控全球阻击战 to fight an all-out global war against COVID-19 2. 打造人类卫生健康共同体 to build a global community of health 3. 各国应该联手加大宏观政策对冲力度。 Countries need to leverage and coordinate their macro policies to...

  • 新冠肺炎疫情相关词汇--疫情防控

    20-04-09 1. 不麻痹、不厌战、不松劲 to remain vigilant and never slacken our efforts 2. 统筹推进疫情防控和脱贫攻坚 to coordinate epidemic control with poverty alleviation 3. 实行封闭式管控 to exercise management by sealing off entities 4. 网格化管理 digital m...

  • Too和Enough的区别

    20-04-07 Too and enough are used to talk about the quantity or size of something. Look at the sentences below. What is the difference in meaning? The dress is big enough. The dress is not big enough. The dress is too big. Meaning of too and enough We use eno...

  • 和疾病相关的英语词汇表达

    20-03-12 Illnesses that use the article a/an cold cough cut eye infection fever headache stomachache sore throat toothache sunburn Illnesses that use the article the flu hiccups measles Illnesses that use no article AIDS cancer diarrhea dry skin insomnia mal...