20-04-22 1. 格式 首先来搞定最基本的格式,也是很多人没注意到的地方,你可以选择在每一个段落前「缩排」,或者在段落间「跳行」书写,但千万不要一起使用!缩排就不要跳行,跳行就不要缩排,请大家务必要记住! 2. 一个段落,一个主旨 这是非常非常非常重要的一点!一个段落就...
20-04-20 尴尬瞬间一:考试时发现自己的大脑一片空白 这项症状通常发生在考试开始时的10-15分钟里,是因为你的大脑还没有来的及做及时的反应。我们的大脑在精神紧张的时候会出现短暂的宕机,对于每个人来说都是一样。如何避免或者缩短这样的宕机时间呢?首先,我们要把雅思考试...
20-04-01 There are 9 different types of question used in the IELTS reading test. These are: Headings Short answer questions Sentence completion questions Summary / notes / flowchart completion questions Table completion questions Labelling style questions Cl...
20-04-01 Shes always smiling and like to tell funny jokes - shes very jovial . I didnt want to do my homework last night but Im glad I did because now I have a free day! He uses his phone while hes driving - hes very fortunate that he hasnt had an accident y...
20-03-30 Although they have similar meanings, there are significant differences that you need to know! Listen / Hear We listen to something when we focus on it and pay attention to it. 有意的听 We hear something that comes into our ears. It is not necessaril...
20-03-30 In contrast 和 on the other hand是两个很相近的短语,很多人都会搞混,一起看看它们的区别吧 Two linking phrases that are often confused are In contrast and On the other hand. Compare examples A and B. A. Tourism often has a positive impact on less weal...
20-03-26 先说明一下雅思A类与G类作文的相同之处: A类与G类作文的考试时间都是一样的,1个小时,分为小作文和大作文。 A类雅思小作文题目类型:通常是一些数据图、表格图和地图、流程图等。字数在150字。考点是数据分析、对比与总结概括的能力。 G类雅思小作文题目类型:通常是...
20-03-19 1. What time do you like to study?Whats the best time for you to study? I will probably go with studying in the evening, because it would be very quiet at that time and there would be no much other distractions; whereas, you know, I cannot concentra...
20-03-16 1表示并列的雅思作文连接词: First / second / last, also, and, as well as, at the same time, equally important 句子: It seems that the experience we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences...
20-03-09 雅思阅览的解题技巧,都是历年来考生从自己的错题本中总结出来的经历,对错常有学习的价值的。本篇文章将为我们共享3个雅思阅览题型的解题技巧,仔细读后,对你的雅思英语备考会有帮助。 一、List of Heading1.依据每段内容中的中心句解题。一般中心句在每段的首尾句傍...