• 关于斋戒(节食) Fasting

    20-03-23 斋戒(节食)是指人们一段时间完全不吃东西或者不吃某些东西。通常人们因为宗教原因斋戒。 People can live without food for a few weeks, but they cannot live without water for more than a few days. To fast is not to eat at all or not to eat certain foods...

  • Pumpkin在英语里是一种爱称

    20-03-18 南瓜其实是一种爱称 In English, the word pumpkin is often used as a term of endearment. Other English words that people commonly use to express their adoration for someone include babe, baby, beautiful, buddy, cupcake, cutie-pie, darling, dear, hands...
