• 贾斯汀•比伯巡演推迟至2021年夏天

    20-08-10 贾斯汀比伯原定于2020年的巡演的新日期公布了,改到了明年夏天。8月6日开始公开售票。 New dates have been announced for Justin Biebers previously scheduled 2020 tour, which will now take place next summer. The Justin Bieber World Tour was originally plan...

  • 2021年奥斯卡颁奖典礼将推迟两个月举行

    20-06-21 2021年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼将推迟两个月举行,这是因新冠疫情暴发而受到影响的又一大型知名活动。奥斯卡颁奖典礼原定于2021年2月28日举行,但现在已被推迟到4月25日。 Next years Oscars ceremony has been pushed back by two months, the latest big celebrity event to...

  • 高考将被延期一个月举行

    20-03-31 由于新冠病毒的爆发,高考将被推迟一个月,于7月7日和8日举行。 The national college entrance examination, or gaokao, will be postponed for a month to July 7 to 8 due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Ministry of Education said. Authorities in Hube...
