23-05-31 Chapter 81 I know my survival is hard to believe. When I think back, I can hardly believe it myself. My crude exploitation of Richard Parkers weak sea legs is not the only explanation. There is another: I was the source of food and water. Richard Pa...
23-05-31 Chapter 80 Of all the dorados, I remember one in particular, a special dorado. It was early morning on a cloudy day, and we were in the midst of a storm of flying fish. Richard Parker was actively swatting at them. I was huddled behind a turtle shel...
23-05-31 Chapter 79 There were sharks every day, mainly makos and blue sharks, but also oceanic whitetips, and once a tiger shark straight from the blackest of nightmares. Dawn and dusk were their favourite times. They never seriously troubled us. On occasio...
23-05-31 Chapter 78 There were many skies. The sky was invaded by great white clouds, flat on the bottom but round and billowy on top. The sky was completely cloudless, of a blue quite shattering to the senses. The sky was a heavy, suffocating blanket of gre...
23-05-31 Chapter 77 As the cartons of survival rations diminished, I reduced my intake till I was following instructions exactly, holding myself to only two biscuits every eight hours. I was continuously hungry. I thought about food obsessively. The less I h...
23-05-31 Chapter 76 I got into the habit of cleaning up after Richard Parker. As soon as I became aware that he had had a bowel movement, I went about getting to it, a risky operation involving nudging his feces my way with the gaff and reaching for them fro...
23-05-31 Chapter 75 On the day when I estimated it was Mothers birthday, I sang Happy Birthday to her out loud. 第七十五章 在我估计是母亲生日的那一天,我大声对她唱了生日快乐...
23-05-31 Chapter 74 I practised religious rituals that I adapted to the circumstances - solitary Masses without priests or consecrated Communion hosts, darshans without murtis, and pujas with turtle meat for prasad, acts of devotion to Allah not knowing wher...
23-05-31 Chapter 73 My greatest wish - other than salvation - was to have a book. A long book with a never-ending story. One I could read again and again, with new eyes and a fresh understanding each time. Alas, there was no scripture in the lifeboat. I was...
23-05-31 Chapter 72 In my case, to protect myself from Richard Parker while I trained him, I made a shield with a turtle shell. I cut a notch on each side of the shell and connected them with a length of rope. The shield was heavier than I would have liked,...