23-05-16 Chapter 21 I am sitting in a downtown cafe, after, thinking. I have just spent most of an afternoon with him. Our encounters always leave me weary of the glum contentment that characterizes my life. What were those words he used that struck me? Ah,...
23-05-16 Chapter 20 He was a Sufi, a Muslim mystic. He sought fana, union with God, and his relationship with God was personal and loving. If you take two steps towards God, he used to tell me, God runs to you! He was a very plain-featured man, with nothing...
23-05-16 Chapter 19 I went to see him again. Whats your religion about? I asked. His eyes lit up. It is about the Beloved, he replied. I challenge anyone to understand Islam, its spirit, and not to love it. It is a beautiful religion of brotherhood and devot...
23-05-16 Chapter 18 Islam followed right behind, hardly a year later. I was fifteen years old and I was exploring my hometown. The Muslim quarter wasnt far from the zoo. A small, quiet neighbourhood with Arabic writing and crescent moons inscribed on the fac...
23-05-16 Chapter 17 First wonder goes deepest; wonder after that fits in the impression made by the first. I owe to Hinduism the original landscape of my religious imagination, those towns and rivers, battlefields and forests, holy mountains and deep seas wh...
23-05-16 Chapter 16 We are all born like Catholics, arent we - in limbo, without religion, until some figure introduces us to God? After that meeting the matter ends for most of us. If there is a change, it is usually for the lesser rather than the greater;...
23-05-16 Chapter 15 His house is a temple. In the entrance hall hangs a framed picture of Ganesha, he of the elephant head. He sits facing out-rosy-coloured, pot-bellied, crowned and smiling - three hands holding various objects, the fourth held palm out in...
23-05-16 Chapter 14 It is interesting to note that the lion that is the most amenable to the circus trainers tricks is the one with the lowest social standing in the pride, the omega animal. It has the most to gain from a close relationship with the super-al...
23-05-16 Chapter 13 So you see, if you fall into a lions pit, the reason the lion will tear you to pieces is not because its hungry - be assured, zoo animals are amply fed - or because its bloodthirsty, but because youve invaded its territory. As an aside, t...
23-05-16 Chapter 12 At times he gets agitated. Its nothing I say (I say very little). Its his own story that does it. Memory is an ocean and he bobs on its surface. I worry that hell want to stop. But he wants to tell me his story. He goes on. After all thes...