• Beg Your Pardon Mrs Hardin

    20-05-07 One afternoon, a little boy had lost his puppy. He looked under his bed. He looked all over his house. But still there was no puppy. Finally, he looked for his puppy in the garden. After a few hours, he still could not find the puppy. The little boy...

  • Baa Baa Black Sheep

    20-05-07 There lived a black sheep in a nearby village. Every spring, he shaved his black wool and sold it to the villagers. The villagers made sweaters and socks from his black wool. One day, the black sheep noticed that he had some more wool left. He thoug...

  • A Wise Counting

    20-04-26 有一个皇帝总是习惯问他的臣民一些奇怪难解的问题。有一点他问道:这个城市有多少只乌鸦?。 Emperor Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his courtiers. He often asked questions which were strange and witty. It took much wisdom to answ...

  • 狮子和老鼠的故事

    20-04-26 从前在森林里有一只狮子一顿报餐正在睡着休息被一只小老鼠扰了清净,抓到这只小老鼠后狮子起了怜悯之心放了它。后来狮子被猎人给网住了,小老鼠赶来后咬断网,狮子得以逃跑。后来老鼠和狮子成为了好朋友。 Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day af...

  • 蛇和愚蠢的青蛙

    20-04-22 从前有个蛇因年老很虚弱,很多天没吃东西了。他看到青蛙王子和朋友时一动不动,勾起了青蛙王子的好奇心,他告诉青蛙王子自己被诅咒只能一辈子驮着青蛙。青蛙王子很高兴,真的踩在蛇背上去见青蛙国王和王后。王子嫌弃蛇太慢了 Once a snake who had grown weak with old...

  • 少儿英语故事 猫头鹰和天鹅

    20-04-14 从前有一只猫头鹰和天鹅是朋友。天鹅是天鹅群的大王,而猫头鹰只是一只普普通通的猫头鹰 Once there were two friends Kanakaksha the owl and Sumitra the swan. Sumitra was the king of the swans. But Kanakaksha was an ordinary owl. He was afraid to let Sumit...

  • 少儿英语故事 橡树和芦苇

    20-04-14 有一棵橡树总认为他比芦苇要强壮得多 The Oak tree always thought that he was far stronger than the reeds. He said to himself I stand upright in storm. I dont bend my head in fear every time the wind blows. But these reeds are really so weak. That very...

  • 少儿英语故事 商人和他的朋友

    20-04-14 从前有个商人要到别的地方去做生意,把铁秤交给他的放贷者朋友保管。等他生意好转回来要秤的时候,那个朋友说秤被老鼠吃了。商人说要到河边去洗澡,让朋友的儿子帮忙看衣服。后来商人告诉朋友:他的儿子被老鹰叼走了。 In a small town, there lived a merchant. He ra...

  • 少儿英语故事 狮子和伐木工

    20-04-09 There once lived a lion, the king of the forest. He was always accompanied by a jackal and a crow. They followed him every where and lived on the remains of his food. In a village close to the forest there lived a woodcutter. Everyday, he would go i...

  • 少儿英语故事 懒惰的做白日梦的人

    20-04-13 从前在一个小村庄里有一个男子特别懒,虽然很有学识,但是整日无所事事。靠乞讨为生,有一天他要到了很多东西,回到家吃完午饭后就把面粉放进一个坛子里开始想象着:要把面粉放到饥荒发生时,他能买一个好价钱,然后就能买两只羊,很快就能有一群羊 Once, in a small v...