• 动物们也需要各种各样的护理

    20-07-13 我们都需要时不时的做一些护理,动物世界也不例外。 We all need a little pampering from time to time and the animal world is no exception. Creatures from the same species, and frequently from a completely different one, engage in a variety of cleaning...

  • 大象 Elephants

    20-04-08 Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Traditionally, two species are recognized, the African elephant and the Asian elephant, although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and African forest...

  • 少儿英语故事 唱歌的驴

    20-03-24 一头野驴不听好友豺狼的劝告,非要在果园里大声唱歌,结果农民听到了,过来狠狠揍了他一顿。 A wild donkey once lived in the woods. He had no friends and lived all alone. One day a jackal passing by saw the donkey. He went up to the donkey and said, What...

  • 趣谈动物词汇的翻译

    09-11-09 汉语和英语中有许多和动物相关的词汇。由于中西方文化的差异,英汉两种语言中的动物词汇也传达出不同的含义。汉语中狗常用在含贬义的词语中,如狐朋狗友、狗嘴吐不出象牙;而英语中的dog常常被视为人类的伴侣和爱物,常用来比喻人或人的生活,比如top dog(有优势的人、...
