文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2009-04-09 02:30 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
check wine名牌酒, 对照葡萄酒 wine酒(尤指葡萄酒;果子酒;药酒),使人振作[沉醉]的东西 a barrel [bottle,glass] of wine一桶[瓶,杯]葡萄酒 green wine新酒 maotai wine茅台酒 strong wine烈酒 wine vt.请...喝酒; 用葡萄酒招待wine and dine someone热烈款待某人 We were wined and dined at the firm's expense.公司以酒宴款待我们。 Wine vi.饮酒 adj.深红色的 wine acid【化】酒石酸 Winebag n.装酒的皮囊 [俚]酒量大的人;酒鬼 winebibber n. 酒鬼 winebottle  n.酒瓶 winebowl  n. (=wine-cup) 大酒杯;酒碗;酒癖 wine-colo(u)red adj.深红色的 wineglass n.酒杯 winegrower  n. 种葡萄并酿酒的人 winehouse  n.酒馆 winepress  n.榨酒机 wineshop n. 酒馆 wine skin 酒囊;纵饮者 winetaster n.品酒人、品酒用的小酒杯 winevault n.酒窖 酒店,酒吧间 -nish wine adj. wineless adj.无酒的 Good wine needs no bush.[谚]酒好客自来;货好不用广告。 in wine醉醺醺地, 有酒意 new wine in old bottles旧瓶装新酒,旧形式适应不了新内容 take wine with sb.和某人举杯互相祝酒 When wine is in, wit[truth] is out.[谚]酒醉智昏。 wine and dine以好酒好菜款待 Adam's wine水 aerated wine充气葡萄酒 aged wine陈酒, 陈酿葡萄酒 aging wine陈酿葡萄酒 alsatian wine法国阿尔萨斯地区所产优质白葡萄酒 aperitif wine开胃葡萄酒 appetizer wine开胃葡萄酒 apple wine苹果酒, 发泡苹果酒 aromatized wine加香葡萄酒 astringent wine涩味葡萄酒 barley wine大麦酒 bee wine发酵酒 bulk wine桶装葡萄酒 check wine名牌酒, 对照葡萄酒 Chefoo red wine中国烟台红葡萄酒 citrus wine柑桔酒 clove wine丁香葡萄酒 cooled wine冰镇酒 cut wine调配葡萄酒 effervescent wine发泡葡萄酒 fortified wine强化酒 fortified drywine加度甜葡萄酒(一般加白兰地酒) fruit wine果酒 full-tasting wine酒味浓重的葡萄酒 gasified wine葡萄汽酒, 汽酒 generic wine原产地类型葡萄酒 ginger wine姜汁酒 glutinous rice wine糯米酒, 黄酒 heavy wine浓酒,烈酒,味醇厚的酒 hedge wine劣质酒, 劣质葡萄酒 honey wine(蜂)蜜酒 immature wine未成熟的葡萄酒 incompletely fermented wine发酵不完全的酒 industrial [cut] wine工业用酒 light wine低度葡萄酒(糖分, 酒度低) medium-dry wine半干葡萄酒 mild wine低度酒 modified wine葡萄加糖发酵制成的酒 natural wine自然发酵的葡萄酒, 自然发酵酒 neutral wines中性酒 orange wine桔子酒 palm wine棕榈酒 pink wine桃红葡萄酒 port wine葡萄(汁)酒 raisin wine葡萄干酿制酒 rich wine浓酒 ripe wine醇酒, 陈酒 roughwine涩味葡萄酒 semi-dry wine半干葡萄酒 Shao-Hsing rice wine绍兴酒, 绍兴糯米黄酒 sick wine走味葡萄酒 slimy wine发粘的葡萄酒 sound wine正统葡萄酒, 健康的葡萄酒(指无病害的酒) sour wine发酸葡萄酒 sparkling wine汽酒 sultana wine以无籽葡萄干酿制的酒 sweet wine甜酒 table wine佐餐葡萄酒 tart wine酸变葡萄酒 tirage wine香槟原酒(作香槟酒用的葡萄酒) tonic wine滋补酒 tourne wine发浑葡萄酒 vintage wine佳酿葡萄酒, 精制葡萄酒 yeast wine酒母 
