文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2007-03-10 08:24 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Sometimes the pronunciation is difficult. 有时发音很难。 A: What's the most difficult thing about learning English? A: 学习英语最大的困难是什么? B: For me? Sometimes the pronunciation is difficult. B: 对于我吗?有时发音很难。 A: Yes – for me too, with Chinese! A: 是的——对我来说,汉语的发音也难。 B: You know how it is though. It's not always obvious how you pronounce a word when you see it. B: 你知道发音有多难。当你看到一个单词的时候你并不总是清楚它该如何发音。 A: That's true. I suppose it shows how important it is to listen to English also – to hear it on the TV or the radio or CD. A: 是这样。我想这也说明听英语是多么重要——利用电视、收音机或者CD听英语。 B: Definitely. You need to hear the language too. You need to practise listening. B: 当然。你也需要听这种语言。你需要练习听力。 Notes 注释   1、 You can ask many different questions with the basic opening structure What's the most difficult thing ...?/ What's the most difficult thing...? ; What's the best thing ...?/ What’s the best thing ...?; What’s the worst thing ...? / What's the worst thing ...?; What’s the most important thing ...?/ What’s the most important thing? 你可以用下面的开放性的基本结构来问很多问题。What's the most difficult thing ...?/ 最大的困难是...?; What's the best thing ...?/ 最好的事情是...?; What's the worst thing ...? / 最糟糕的事情是...?; What's the most important thing ...?/最重要的事情是...? 2、 Be careful with the spelling difference between the verb pronounce / pronounce and the noun pronunciation / pronunciation, e.g. How do you pronounce that word? / How do you pronounce that word?; The pronunciation is difficult / The pronunciation is difficult. 注意动词pronounce /发音和名词pronunciation /发音在拼写上的区别。例如:How do you pronounce that word? / 你怎么发那个单词?; The pronunciation is difficult /发音很难。
