文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2022-07-22 08:56 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Most of us want to be in peak physical condition, get in shape and be healthy. While some gym bunnies are more obsessed1 with looking ripped, for many of us nutrition and watching what you eat is a vital way to stay healthy. But when it comes to food, what is calorie counting, and what are the positives and negatives of it?
A law in the UK came into force in April 2022 that requires large businesses such as restaurants, takeaways, and cafes to display the calorie information of non-pre-packed food and soft drinks on their menus. It's a strategy aimed to tackle obesity2 and give people a more informed choice of what goes down their gullets. According to the NHS (National Health Service), generally, the recommended daily intake3 of calories for male adults is 2,500 per day, while female adults should consume 2,000 to maintain their weight levels. For those of us who wish to drop a few pounds, experts advise us to consume fewer calories than the recommended daily number, eat a balanced diet, and increase our levels of physical activity. Being able to count calories and know how much we can eat is a great way to try and stay on track with our diet.
However, there are some sceptics when it comes to calorie counting. 200 calories of fresh fruit and 200 calories of junk food, for example cookies, have the same caloric value. However, there is a question of the health benefits of what you're consuming, regardless of calories. While fresh fruit like apples contains things like vitamin C, junk food could contain an unhealthy level of sugar and fats. Likewise, fruit may fill you up and leave you not craving4 more food for longer than a biscuit with equal calories – meaning, overall, you eat less. Simply counting calories, while useful for weight loss, doesn't take into account your intake of good fats, carbohydrates5, and proteins – things that your body needs. So, if you're trying to stick to a low-carb diet, just looking at numbers of calories on a menu won't be that useful. So, always be mindful that what you're eating is part of a healthy balanced diet.


1 obsessed 66a4be1417f7cf074208a6d81c8f3384     
  • He's obsessed by computers. 他迷上了电脑。
  • The fear of death obsessed him throughout his old life. 他晚年一直受着死亡恐惧的困扰。
2 obesity Dv1ya     
  • One effect of overeating may be obesity.吃得过多能导致肥胖。
  • Sugar and fat can more easily lead to obesity than some other foods.糖和脂肪比其他食物更容易导致肥胖。
3 intake 44cyQ     
  • Reduce your salt intake.减少盐的摄入量。
  • There was a horrified intake of breath from every child.所有的孩子都害怕地倒抽了一口凉气。
4 craving zvlz3e     
  • a craving for chocolate 非常想吃巧克力
  • She skipped normal meals to satisfy her craving for chocolate and crisps. 她不吃正餐,以便满足自己吃巧克力和炸薯片的渴望。
5 carbohydrates 001f0186d1ea717492c413ca718f2635     
n.碳水化合物,糖类( carbohydrate的名词复数 );淀粉质或糖类食物
  • The plant uses the carbohydrates to make cellulose. 植物用碳水化合物制造纤维素。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • All carbohydrates originate from plants. 所有的碳水化合物均来自植物。 来自辞典例句
TAG标签: food People nutrition