• zero in on 瞄准,对…集中火力

    22-08-02 zero in on Meaning: If you zero in on something, you focus your attention on it. 中文解析:瞄准,对准;对集中火力、注意力 If youre reporting on an issue rather than an event, first get the reader interested by zeroing in on the main players and thei...

  • 几种常用的数字相关口语-小数

    22-06-09 小数用基数词来表示,以小数点为界,小数点左首的数字为一个单位,表示整数,数字合起来读。 小数点右首的数字为一个单位,表示小数,数字分开来读;小数点读作 point,o读作 zero或o [u]。整数部分为零时,可以省略不读。 0.4 读作zero point four或point four 10.23...

  • 球拍比赛结果为什么“零”会念成love

    21-08-03 这两天看奥运会球类运动,听到英文报比分时,把0念成love,而不是zero。 报比分时把零称为love,跟爱情没有任何关系,这里有个挺有趣的典故。 其实love表示比赛中的零是根据法语中蛋这个单词的发音而来的。 看来法国人和中国人一样啊,都把零分比作蛋啊!零蛋零蛋么 这...

  • size zero “零号”身材

    15-06-14 Regarded as the minimum size in US clothing, size zero now refers to those unbelievably skinny people (especially women),or trends associated with them. The super skinny style sprung up on fashion industry runways and later was adopted by a world o...

  • zero hour 决定性时刻

    13-03-19 Zero hour字面意思是零点。这个习惯用语起始于1917年第一次世界大战期间,是指发动某一军事行动的时刻。在这关键性时刻迫近时,战壕里的军官便看着手表上的分针秒针倒数计时直到预定时刻,也就是零点,就立即对部下发出信号,命令大家跃出战壕扑向敌人的阵地。如今军队...

  • 消费者的零点困惑

    10-11-16 Why would someone choose a credit card with a one percent interest rate over another with a zero percent rate? A new study in the Journal of Consumer Research finds that consumers are often flummoxed(困惑的) when it comes to zero. A reasonable ass...

  • 零容忍 zero tolerance

    09-08-30 司机一滴酒,亲人两行泪。最近一段时间,酒后驾车接连酿惨剧。为了不让血淋林的惨剧重演,公安部已下令开展为期两个月的惩治酒后驾车专项行动,对酒后驾车实行零容忍。 请看《中国日报》的报道: According to the Beijing traffic management bureau, 103 people have...
