• 我们为什么打哈欠

    21-02-23 请注意,点开这篇文章可能会让你打哈欠!这并不是因为我们的节目太无聊或者你会被传染上哈欠,而是因为只要我们看到别人打哈欠,甚至只是想想这个行为,都可能引发我们来一个大哈欠! Its a question that has puzzled scientists for a long time: why exactly do we...

  • 我们为什么打哈欠?

    20-10-25 Yawning is something we all do maybe because were bored carrying out tedious tasks or because were tired. Sometimes, just seeing other people yawn can set you off. But is this biological function really contagious, and why do we do it in the first p...

  • 黑猩猩对呵欠的敏感性随年龄逐渐增长

    13-10-17 As sanctuary-kept chimpanzees grow from infant to juvenile, they develop increased susceptibility to human yawn(哈欠) contagion, possibility due to their increasing ability to empathize(移情,神会) , says a study published October 16, 2013, in t...

  • 狗主人打呵欠对狗比陌生人更具传染性

    13-08-08 Dogs yawn(打呵欠) contagiously when they see a person yawning, and respond more frequently to their owner's yawns than to a stranger's, according to research published August 7 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Teresa Romero and colleagues fr...

  • 人打哈欠能传染七月大以上的狗

    12-10-24 Do you get tired when others yawn(哈欠) ? Does your dog get tired when you yawn? New research from Lund University in Sweden establishes that dogs catch yawns from humans. But not if the dogs are too young. The study, published in Springer's journ...

  • Chimps imitate yawning animations 研究:黑猩猩会模仿动画打呵

    09-09-09 Yawning is so contagious that chimpanzees can catch it from cartoons, according to research. 研究显示,打呵欠也会传染,黑猩猩能从卡通片里学会打呵欠。 Chimps are social animals and respond to facial expressions Scientists from Emory University in Atl...
